Esmer (magazine)

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Esmer magazine Logo.PNG
Esmer magazine logo

Esmer is a bilingual ( Kurmanji - Turkish ) magazine that has been published in Turkey since January 2005 . The magazine's slogan is Popüler kürtür , which is a modification of Popüler kültür (popular culture). The word culture was replaced by Kurd.

The magazine's main editor is the writer Ferzende Kaya . The topics of the magazine consist mainly of the life stories and reports of well-known Kurds . The authors also include liberal intellectuals such as Orhan Pamuk and Yaşar Kemal . The magazine was very popular among left-wing Kurds. People about whom Ferzende Kaya wrote were Ahmet Kaya , Şivan Perwer , Ahmet Arif , Hülya Avşar and Yılmaz Erdoğan .

The last pages of the magazine present Kurdish poems. The magazine tries to give a forum to several political ideologies among the Kurds. In addition to socialist authors, there are also those who give place to religious Kurdish personalities such as Said Nursî or those who have a more Kurdish nationalist orientation. The magazine became more and more popular over time, which can also be seen in the growing number of well-known authors, who number up to 120. As a result, there were also articles about Esmer in foreign media .

At the end of 2007, a majority of the authors and editors, such as Ferzende Kaya, parted with the magazine after the magazine changed hands. They want to publish a new magazine called Multi Kulti .