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Palau Maritime Police vessel.jpg
Ship data
flag PalauPalau Palau
Ship type Patrol boat
Commissioning April 25, 2017
Ship dimensions and crew
15.07 m ( Lüa )
width 3.57 m
Draft Max. 1.99 m
Machine system
machine Diesel engine
performanceTemplate: Infobox ship / maintenance / service format
475 kW (646 hp)
28.75 kn (53 km / h)

The Euatel is a patrol boat of the Palau Division of Marine Law Enforcement . The ship was donated to the State of Palau by the Japanese Nippon Foundation and the Sasakawa Peace Foundation . It is the third boat in this class that was handed over as part of a funding program and was delivered on April 25, 2017.

The sister ships are Kabekl M'tal (2015) and Bul (2012). The ships are to be used primarily as fisheries protection boats.

The name means "protective wall".


  1. Data sheet (PDF, 2.5 MB) (Japanese).
  2. a b L.N. Reklai: “Euatel” patrol boat handover today . In: Island Times , April 25, 2017. Retrieved April 22, 2018. “This is third in the series of patrol boats of this size donated by The Nippon Foundation to Palau. Kabekl M'tal was donated in 2012 and Bul was donated in 2014. " 
  3. Palauen-English Dictionary , Palauan Language Online.