Eugen Haller (politician)

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Eugen Haller (born October 20, 1882 in Rottweil ; † October 28, 1971 there ) was a watchmaker and member of the Württemberg state parliament.

life and work

Eugen Haller was the son of the machinist Martin Haller (* 1847) and Maria geb. Haigis (* 1849). He had four siblings. After attending elementary school in Rottweil, he learned to be a watchmaker and then worked as a journeyman watchmaker at Mauthe in Schwenningen .


Before 1913 he became a member of the SPD , in 1917 he joined the USPD and was then also chairman of the USPD Schwenningen. In 1920 he moved with the left wing of the USPD to the KPD . From 1923 to 1926 he was party secretary. In 1924 he was elected to the Württemberg state parliament. Since Haller belonged to the right wing of the party, he was expelled from the KPD in the spring of 1926 on charges of misappropriating funds. Haller remained in the state parliament as a non-attached member until 1928. He rejoined the SPD at the end of 1928 and subsequently worked in his profession as a watchmaker. 1933 member of the Schwenningen municipal council. In 1933 he was initially spared from persecution measures, but was unemployed until 1935. On 30 May 1938 he was arrested yet and two and a half years prison sentenced. After serving his sentence in the Ludwigsburg prison, he was sent to the Welzheim concentration camp . There he was suddenly dismissed in 1941 and worked again as a watchmaker in Schwenningen. Imprisoned again in August 1944, he was to be extradited from the Horb District Court prison to the Gestapo . But since this was no longer possible due to the French invasion, the prison administration received an order from the Gestapo in Oberndorf to liquidate Haller. He was saved because Horb was occupied by the French army on April 17, 1945. In 1945 he rejoined the SPD and held various functions for them. Eugen Haller lived in Schwenningen until his death.
