Eugen Imhoff

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Eugen Imhoff (born November 30, 1876 in Görwihl ; † May 2, 1951 in Karlsruhe ) was a German administrative and housing lawyer.


Imhoff studied law at the University of Heidelberg and became a member of the Corps Suevia Heidelberg in 1896 . After the exams he entered the administrative service in Baden and rose to the position of senior bailiff in local government. Afterwards activity in the Baden state service and change from the Baden state ministry for labor to the service of the German Reich as department director in the Reich ministry for labor; in both ministries as a ministerial councilor dealing with questions of housing construction and settlement . In 1930 he became Reich Commissioner for Housing . He became a member of the NSDAP in 1937. His hoped-for promotion to Ministerialrat did not materialize, however, and he was last president of the Badische Gebäudeversicherungsanstalt from 1938 until his impeachment by the French in 1945.


  • Armin Danco: The Yellow Book of the Corps Suevia zu Heidelberg, 3rd edition (members 1810–1985), Heidelberg 1985, No. 808
  • Michael Ruck : Corps Spirit and State Consciousness: Civil Servants in the German Southwest 1928 to 1972 , Oldenbourg Verlag, 1996, p. 140 ff. ( Digitized version )