Euippe (Danaide)

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Euippe ( Greek  Εὐίππη ) were the names of several of the Danaids , the 50 daughters of Danaos, in Greek mythology .

The Danaids married the 50 sons of Danaos' twin brother Aigyptus , but - with the exception of Hypermnestra - killed their husbands on their wedding night . In the directory of the Danaids in the library of Apollodorus , two of them have the name Euippe: one was Danaos 'daughter of an Ethiopian woman and bride of Argios , the other Danaos' daughter of the naiad Polyxo and bride of Imbros . The Danaide named Euippe, on the list of Hyginus Mythographus , was the bride of the Egyptian Agenor .



  1. Libraries of Apollodor 2, 1, 5, 5, § 18 and 2, 1, 5, 7, § 19.
  2. ^ Hyginus Mythographus, Fabulae 170.