Euodus (tutor Caracallas)

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Euodus ( Greek Eúodos ; † probably 211 ) was the tutor of the later Roman emperor Caracalla . He is only known from the history of Cassius Dios .

Euodus was an imperial freedman . Emperor Septimius Severus entrusted him with the education of his son Caracalla, who later became his successor. At Caracalla's instigation, Euodus had the emperor informed of an alleged murder plot against him and Caracalla, the author of which was the extremely powerful Praetorian prefect Plautian . This was Caracalla's intrigue, in reality there was no such conspiracy. Plautian was Caracalla's father-in-law, but was considered a rival and hated by him. Euodus made three centurions accuse Plautian of the plot to murder Severus and Caracalla; they claimed that the prefect instigated them and seven other centurions to undertake the planned assassination. The freedman thus made a significant contribution to Caracalla winning the power struggle with the prefect. Severus believed the centurions. In January 205, Plautian was overthrown and, at the instigation of Caracalla, murdered. In the Senate it was proposed that Euodus be honored with special honors, but Severus forbade such a decision, since an honor by the Senate was not due to a released person. Caracalla had Euodus executed after he took power in February 211.



  1. Cassius Dio 77 (76), 6, 1.
  2. ^ Cassius Dio 77 (76), 3, 2-4.
  3. Cassius Dio 77 (76), 6, 1f.
  4. Cassius Dio 77 (76), 6, 1.