Euphorbia cussonioides

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Euphorbia cussonioides
Family : Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae)
Subfamily : Euphorbioideae
Tribe : Euphorbieae
Sub tribus : Euphorbiinae
Genre : Spurge ( Euphorbia )
Type : Euphorbia cussonioides
Scientific name
Euphorbia cussonioides

Euphorbia cussonioides is a species of the genus spurge ( Euphorbia ) in the family of Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbiaceae).


The succulent Euphorbia cussonioides forms trees with few branches up to a height of 25 meters. The three to four-edged branches are in clusters and are 2 to 6 centimeters wide. They are deeply winged and divided into up to 20 centimeters long sections by constrictions. The edges are provided with bulged teeth at a distance of about 1.5 centimeters from one another. The triangular thorn shields are up to 5 millimeters in size. Thorns up to 2.5 millimeters in length and very small stipple thorns are formed. The rounded leaves are up to 10 millimeters in size.

One to three simple cymes are formed, which are located in a horizontal line on stems up to 3 millimeters long. The cyathia are about 7 millimeters in size. The elliptical nectar glands are yellowish in color and almost touch each other. The bluntly lobed fruit is almost sessile and is up to 15 millimeters in size. The spherical seed is 4 millimeters in size and has a smooth surface.

Distribution and systematics

Euphorbia cussonioides is widespread in Kenya on stony slopes in evergreen, dry forests at altitudes of 1300 to 1800 meters. The species is on the IUCN Red List and is critically endangered.

The species was first described in 1958 by Peter René Oscar Bally .


Individual evidence

  1. PRO Bally: Euphorbia cussonioides . In: Bothalia . tape 7 , 1958, pp. 29-31 .

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