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EuroSpec , as the abbreviation for European Specifications (for railway vehicles), is an initiative of several European railway companies with the aim of working out common, explicit technical specifications for different trades of railway vehicles. The work program includes a. Doors, parking noise, software for controlling train functions (TCMS), comfort of seats and the revision of previously published specifications. The jointly developed requirements support and facilitate the vehicle procurement process. The requirements are outside the competitive area. The sustainable application of the EuroSpec methodology and the developed specifications supports standardization, leads to more quality, supports vehicle platforms and enables significant cost reductions. As a basis for developing their specifications, the EuroSpec partners have drawn up a “Requirements Management” guide in order to ensure the necessary consistency between the specifications and their quality. Work started in 2011.

The functional requirements for railway vehicles EuroSpec specifications are in procurement in addition to the technical specifications for interoperability , the Euro standards used and the national notified regulations.

The EuroSpec consortium creates neither “European standards” nor “international standards” within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No. 1025/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of October 25, 2012.

EuroSpec specifications are therefore to be classified as "technical specifications". EuroSpecs are increasingly used as input for European standardization and regulation.


EuroSpec partner in 2019

The EuroSpec consortium consists of five European railway companies and the Association of Railway Companies in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Vision, mission, approach and values ​​(Version 2020)

  • EuroSpec's vision is to unite the requirements of train operators in order to reduce the overall life cycle costs of trains, shorten delivery times and accelerate the innovation cycle and the development of innovations.
  • EuroSpec's mission is focused on: fewer resources, fewer differences in specifications, provision of information and requirements, development of expertise
  • The EuroSpec approach is to fill gaps in standardization, focus on topics with a high diversity of requirements and high costs, accelerate standardization, exchange needs with industry
  • The values ​​on which EuroSpec is based are a lean organization, openness, transparency and acceptance of different views

Legal form and seat

The EuroSpec consortium , as an amalgamation of several legally and economically independent companies for the temporary implementation of an agreed business purpose, has not chosen a legal form and thus no official seat. Informally, the head office is determined by the seat of the incumbent chairman.

Results and publications

The EuroSpec specifications are only published in English. The following specifications have been published (some in different versions) and are freely available for download from the website :

  • Eurospec Specification for Toilets of Railway Vehicles (toilets and washrooms)
  • EuroSpec Air conditioning (air conditioning)
  • EuroSpec Documentation (documentation)
  • EuroSpec Requirements Management
  • EuroSpec Contact strips ( contact strip )
  • EuroSpec Wheel and Brake disc
  • EuroSpec Sliding Steps
  • EuroSpec Automatic Coupler (automatic couplings)
  • EuroSpec Parking Noise (parking noise)
  • EuroSpec TCMS data transfer

An overview of the EuroSpecs currently being developed can be found in the 2020 work program , topics are doors (doors), watertightness (water tightness) and seat comfort (seating comfort).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) / Official Journal of the European Union
  2. European Railway Agency (ERA) - The Reference Document Database (RDD)
  3. REGULATION (EU) No. 1025/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on European standardization, amending Council Directives 89/686 / EEC and 93/15 / EEC as well as Directive 94/9 / EC , 94/25 / EG, 95/16 / EG, 97/23 / EG, 98/34 / EG, 2004/22 / EG, 2007/23 / EG, 2009/23 / EG and 2009/105 / EG of the European Parliament and Council and repealing Decision 87/95 / EEC of the Council and Decision No. 1673/2006 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council