European Movement Ireland

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The European Movement Ireland is an independent not-for-profit organization that works to encourage Irish citizens to become involved in the European Union . The Dublin-based association is the country's oldest pro-European organization and was founded almost 20 years before Ireland joined the European Community in 1973. Its general secretary is Noelle O'Connell and its president is Maurice Pratt ; Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny is Honorary President of the Irish Movement.


On January 11, 1954, about 100 people founded the Irish Council for the European Union at the Shelbourne Hotel in Dublin . Its charter was signed by seven pioneers of the Irish European movement: Donal O'Sullivan , Garret FitzGerald , Louis PF Smith , Denis Corboy , George J. Colley , Declan Costello and Sean J. Healy . Their intention was to educate Irish citizens and organizations about the European Economic Community. The primary goal was Ireland's membership in the European Economic Community . Personalities such as Prime Ministers Garret FitzGerald and Jack Lynch , during whose term Ireland joined the European Community, as well as the later Irish President Mary Robinson supported the movement. Since Ireland's accession to the EC in 1973, the European Movement Ireland has continued its work, which essentially consists of informing Irish citizens about the EU.


The European Movement Ireland continues to pursue the goal of involving all Irish citizens in the discussion about the European Union. The aim is to anchor the Irish awareness of the EU in everyday life. The European Movement Ireland uses a number of information campaigns as well as education and training programs.

Information campaigns

In 2010 the European Movement Ireland is running three campaigns: the Citizen's Initiative Campaign, the Grad Jobs Campaign and the Accountability Campaign.

Educational and training programs

In addition, there are education and training programs that contribute to understanding the EU and at the same time stimulate discussion about Europe. The main program is Europe in 20 Minutes , which explains how the European Union works and allows questions to be asked. The addressees are schools, universities and companies. There is also the My Vision of Europe competition for 15-17 who have the opportunity to formulate their ideas about Europe.

European Movement International

The association is a member of the European Movement International . This pan-European network is present in 42 European countries and has over 30 international member organizations.

See also

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