European Psychologist

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European Psychologist

description peer-reviewed journal
Area of ​​Expertise psychology
language English
publishing company Hogrefe Verlag ( Germany )
First edition March 1, 1996
founder Kurt Pawlik
Frequency of publication 4 times a year
Sold edition 2000 copies
( [1] )
Impact Factor 3,372 (2015) [2]
Editor-in-chief Kristen Lavallee (managing editor)
editor Peter A. Frensch
Web link
Article archive
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)

The magazine European Psychologist (Eur Psychol) is a multidisciplinary journal that sees itself as the “voice of psychology in Europe”. It is the official organ of the European Federation of Psychological Associations (EFPA). EFPA news and views are presented as well as articles on a wide range of psychology.

The journal is indexed in the following databases: Current Contents / Social and Behavioral Sciences (CC / S & BS), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), ISI Alerting Services, Social SciSearch, PsycINFO , PASCAL, PSYNDEX , ERIH and Scopus .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Homepage of the journal
  2. magazine on
  3. ^ Editorial by Kurt Pawlik in issue 4/2003 on the history of the magazine