European Society of Radiology

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The European Society of Radiology (ESR) is a non-profit association that represents the interests of radiology and European radiologists vis-à-vis administration and politics. It has more than 101,000 members from 163 countries. The company is based in Vienna .


It was founded in 2005 through a merger of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) and the European Association of Radiology (EAR). As a result of the merger, the ESR uses both the congress infrastructure of the ECR and the political and organizational relations of the EAR. According to its own statute, the work of society is committed to patient benefit and benefit for the pan-European health system . This should be increased through the financial and professional support of the ESR in science, teaching and research.


The ECR ( European Congress of Radiology ), the largest radiological congress in Europe, is held annually in Vienna . In 2019, 30,259 participants from around 133 countries attended the congress.

The ESR offers further training opportunities in the form of events, courses and publications:

  • The European School of Radiology organizes specialized training seminars on radiological methods, the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research promotes and coordinates imaging research projects in Europe.
  • The medical journals European Radiology , Insights into Imaging and European Radiology Experimental publish current and relevant studies and manuscripts.
  • Electronic e-learning platforms such as EURORAD (a collection of radiological teaching examples) and EPOS TM (a collection of poster presentations) are operated by the company for training and knowledge exchange purposes.
  • The Invest in the Youth program enables young doctors to participate in the ECR free of charge

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. This is ESR