Euspinolia militaris

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Euspinolia militaris
Euspinolia militaris, female

Euspinolia militaris , female

Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Vespoidea
Family : Ant wasps (Mutillidae)
Subfamily : Sphaeropthalminae
Genre : Euspinolia
Type : Euspinolia militaris
Scientific name
Euspinolia militaris
Mickel , 1938
Female, top view

Euspinolia militaris is a hymenoptera (Hymenoptera) from the family of the ant wasps (Mutillidae)found in North, Central and South America.


Euspinolia militaris reaches a body length of up to eight millimeters. The abdomen and thorax show a black and white colored pattern with thin hair. A narrow white vertical stripe runs across the middle of the back. The head is white, the eyes black. The adults are similar in physique and behavior to an ant as well as in coloration to a giant panda bear ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ), which is why they are sometimes referred to as "panda ant" and in English usage as panda ant . However , the species does not belong to the ants family (Formicidae) . The antennae and the legs with short thorns are black. There is a clear sexual dimorphism between the sexes . The wingless females are equipped with a defensive sting and poison glands. The males have narrow, transparent wings and are significantly larger than the females.

Distribution and occurrence

The species occurs in Chile , Argentina , parts of Mexico and in the southwest of the USA . It prefers to colonize dry, sandy areas.

Way of life

The predominantly nocturnal males and diurnal females feed on flower nectar. The females can produce up to 2000 eggs per year and lay them individually, preferably under the surface of the earth, next to the pupae of other insects. The larvae feed parasitically on these hosts after hatching . The flightless females use their sting, which is provided with strong poison, to defend against enemies, sometimes even against large grazing animals. A sting is very painful for humans too. The common name Cow killer (cow killer), which is sometimes used in English, is, however, greatly exaggerated.

Individual evidence

  1. Mutillidae , on: Zoological State Collection Munich
  2. Information on Euspinolia militaris
  3. Panda Ants

Web links

Commons : Euspinolia militaris  - collection of images, videos and audio files