Eva Tenzer

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Eva Tenzer (* 1968 ) is a German author and science journalist who focuses on interdisciplinary topics from the fields of psychology, medicine as well as work, business, family and relationships.


After graduating from the Goethe-Gymnasium in Gaggenau , she studied history as well as language and literature of Eastern Europe in Trier, Prague and Warsaw from 1987 to 1993. She completed her studies with a master's degree .

Until 1997 she was a scholarship holder of the Naumann Foundation . She received her doctorate from the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in Eastern European history.

After a traineeship with a focus on science in the press office of the Frankfurter Campus-Verlag (1997/1998) and an internship at the Frankfurter Rundschau , in 1999 she took the science journalism course at the Henri-Nannen-Schule in Hamburg .

Tenzer works as a freelance science journalist and lives with her family in Oldenburg .

Honors and prizes

  • Award of the dissertation with the Epstein Research Prize
  • Heusler-Edenhuizen Media Prize 2012, Special Prize "Fathers"


Web links