Evangelical Association for Inner Mission in Nassau

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The Evangelical Association for Inner Mission in Nassau (EVIM) supports more than 60 social institutions and services in Wiesbaden , the Rhine-Main area and in Rhineland-Palatinate . The association and its companies employ over 2,000 people in inpatient and outpatient care for the elderly, disabled people, youth welfare , education and in service units. There are also 650 volunteers. EVIM is a non-profit organization and a member of the Diakonisches Werk of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau .


In 1850, Pastor Ludwig Eibach founded the Evangelical Association for Inner Mission in the Duchy of Nassau with the aim of caring for the “poor, sick, neglected, abandoned and outcast” of society . A rescue house for young people opened three years after it was founded .

Fields of activity

Jan-Niemöller-Haus of EVIM at Schiersteiner Hafen

There is a decentralized youth welfare facility with educational assistance. EVIM Altenhilfe offers senior citizens care and support in inpatient, outpatient and semi-inpatient facilities, in service living at home and in residential complexes. EVIM Disability Aid is the association's third field of activity. In a network of inpatient and outpatient living, care and work options, it supports, accompanies and promotes people with physical, mental and psychological disabilities and mental impairments. A cultural work includes theater groups, dance and movement, music and painting. The various cultural projects are part of the care work provided by the disabled people's aid.

EVIM Education is the fourth and youngest division of the association. It supports children and young people in shaping their lives independently and confidently and in actively participating in society.


The board of directors, consisting of two people, is responsible for managing the business of the association. In the EVIM subsidiaries, the Theological Board (Chairman) and the Commercial Board represent the interests of the shareholders. The Board of Directors appoints and advises the Board of Directors and monitors its management. As the supervisory body of the association, it ensures that the statutory tasks are fulfilled.


  • 150 years of the Evangelical Association for Inner Mission in Nassau . Wiesbaden 2000.

Web links

  • Website
  • EVIM in the city dictionary of the city of Wiesbaden

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Steitz : History of the Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau. Third part. Trauvetter, Marburg 1965, p. 380.
  2. https://www.fr.de/rhein-main/hochtaunus/starthilfe-fuers-leben-11709129.html