Ex Machina (role play)

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Ex Machina is one of Guardians of Order published Cyberpunk- RPG that the entire range of classic cyberpunk to post Cyberpunk covers. It exists under both the Tri-Stat and the d20 systems . It was conceived, designed and conceived by Bruce Baugh, Rebecca Borgstrom, Christian Gossett, Bradley Kayl and Michelle Lyons.

Ex Machina includes a detailed look back at the cyberpunk genre, as well as advice on how to convert the genre into an RPG environment without losing touch with its core issues.

Under Tri-Stat, the system uses a build-up point system for character creation and a sub-cube system with two dice for task solving. The system focuses more on the story than the rules and is known for its flexibility.

The d20 variant combines the effect-based special abilities of Tri-Stat with the classes and levels of d20 and uses a hybrid task-solving system, which is primarily based on d20's method of throwing a single dice as high as possible. The d20 variant is based on the BESM d20 system, which is close to a point-based variant of Dungeons & Dragons .

In addition to his advice on world building and treatment of the genre, Ex Machina includes four elaborated settings, all of which direct the cyberpunk genre in its own direction.

See also

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