Tri-Stat dX

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Tri-Stat dX is a universal role-playing game that was developed and published by Guardians of Order in 2003 . It is part of a family of universal systems (similar to GURPS and d20 ) that has adaptable control systems and can be used for every imaginable genre and setting.

The name Tri-Stat dX comes from the fact that the characters in this system only have three main values: Mind , Body and Soul . The dX stands for the multi-sided die used in the game, which is freely scalable: W4, W6, W8, W10, W12 or W20.

The system is based on the original TriStat system that was first introduced in 1999 by the popular anime role-playing game Big Eyes, Small Mouth (which uses W6) and the superhero role-playing game Silver Age Sentinels (which uses W10). In the meantime, a whole series of related systems have been added, such as Ex Machina and Dreaming Cities and, as a variant of TriStat, Tekumel .

The basic rules of the Tri-Stat-dX system were also available as a free download from the Guardians of Order homepage.


Guardians of Order have heavily revised their tri-stat rules with the role-playing game A Game of Thrones . The following information relates to the previous version.

Character creation

Since all control mechanisms in Tri-Stat dX use two dice of the same type (2d6, 2w10, 2d20 etc.), the first decision of the game master must be to determine the power level of the game and the associated dice type.

Tri-Stat uses a table of Stat Values , which ranges from 1 (bad) to 40 (godlike). The human norm is 4. The larger the dice type, the more powerful the characters are in general and achieve stat values well above the human norm. In a normal setting based on the real world, the game master would set the dice type to 2d4 and thus allow the characters a maximum unmodified dice roll of 8. In a typical action world, he would use 2d6, which allows for more heroic characters and unmodified dice rolls up to 12. Superhuman settings would use 2d8 and allow unmodified throws up to 16. Superhero campaigns would use 2w10 or 2w12. Godlike characters would use 2d20.

Character Points (Character Points)

Characters are built in Tri-Stat with Character Points . In order to maintain the game balance, each character receives the same amount of character points. Depending on the power level of the setting (and the type of dice chosen by the game master), the game master determines a number of character points that each player can allocate to his or her values ​​and other properties. In a "realistic", ordinary world, the characters would have 25 to 50 points. In an action world, the characters were awarded 50 to 75 points, and so on. Godlike characters could have 300 or more character points.

Stats (values)

Characters in Tri-Stat have three main stats :

  • Mind : A measure of the character's mental capacity and intelligence.
  • Body : A measure of the physical ability and health of the character.
  • Soul : A measure of the character's spirituality and willpower.

Typical values ​​range from 1 to 20, although the values ​​can go higher depending on the power level of the game. The levels of values ​​are bought with character points. All stats cost two character points for each level increase, and you have to spend at least 2 points for each stat to get the minimum value of 1. An optional rule that the game master can introduce increases the cost of value increases disproportionately as the level increases.

Derived Values (Derived Properties)

Derived Values are determined by a mathematical formula based on the values ​​of the character.

  • Attack Combat Value (ACV) : [(Body + Mind + Soul) / 3], which is the focus of all of the character's stats to determine their bonus on hitting an opponent in battle scenes.
  • Defense Combat Value (DCV) : [(Body + Mind + Soul) / 3 - 2], which is the character's ability to respond to incoming attacks.
  • Health Points : [(Body + Soul) x 5], which is the amount of damage the character can take before being stunned or killed. Corresponds to the hit points of other systems.

Optional Derived Stats :

  • Energy Points : [(Mind + Soul) x 5], an optional stat which is used to heat up various superpowers. If the character has no more Energy Points , he can no longer use this power.
  • Shock Value : [(Health Points) / 5], for "more realistic" battle scenes. When a character takes their Shock Value into damage, they run the risk of being stunned.

Attributes (attributes)

Character points left over from purchasing stat levels are used to purchase attributes for the character. Attributes represent special talents, perks, and superpowers that a character might have. With these, the character can, for example, fly, use spells or bend steel bars. Not all campaigns require a character to have superpowers so that the GM can decide which attributes to allow in their game and which not. Since some attributes are comparable with the advantages from other systems, at least some attributes are always available for the characters regardless of the setting.

Tri-Stat has many types of attributes that can be selected. Each attribute costs a certain amount of character points to acquire a rank level in this ability. Certain attributes can be influenced by Power Modifier Values , which modify the affected area by power, duration, range or number of targets and increase the point cost of the attribute per rank.

Defects (defects)

Defects are the opposite of attributes and represent some kind of disadvantage or weakness of the character. By selecting Defects , the player can get character points back to spend elsewhere. There are many defects available, and each one returns a certain amount of character points depending on how much they hinder the character. Attributes can also be specified as defects , which reduce the cost of the force. For example, a radiation weapon force could demand special concentration from the character and thus give an opponent an advantage. Personality defects could be a mental illness the character suffers from, such as paranoia, delusions, or schizophrenia, or the character could have a weakness of character and be completely obnoxious or difficult to associate with others.

Skills (skills)

Skills represent specific areas of knowledge or techniques in which a character could excel. Like most games that use such skills, Tri-Stat has an understandable list of skills that the characters could find useful. Of course, players and game masters can add additional skills if needed. Depending on the campaign setting, certain skills may not be available. For example, in a medieval setting , computer-related skills would not be available. Each skill is also linked to one or more of the character's stats . Mechanics, for example, is tied to body and mind. Which of the two stats is used depends on how the game master assesses the use by the character in the respective game situation.

The skills are divided into general skills (general skills) or combat skills (combat skills) and are bought from skill points ( skill points ), which are decoupled from the character points. The starting amount and the maximum skill level ( skill level ) are determined by the power level of the campaign. For example, in a "human" game the characters have 10 skill points and a maximum skill level of 2. In a godlike campaign, the characters receive 60 skill points and a maximum skill level of 10. Various attributes give the character more or fewer skill points . The skill level of a character determines how well it performs the particular skill. At level 1 he is “well trained” and at 10 he is a “heavenly master” of the skill in question.

The cost of a skill depends on the skill and the campaign setting in which it is used. Relatively simple skills such as driving cost less than skills that require years of training to acquire, such as brain surgery. Skills are available with Specializations , which outline a sub-area of ​​the entire skill. For example, a character with a craft skill might specialize in “woodworking” or “plumbing”. The acquisition of specializations costs only one skill point regardless of the setting . For example, a character could purchase firearms for 8 skill points at level 1 and spend one skill point to specialize in pistols (level 2). When using any other type of firearm, its effective level would be 1, but with a pistol it would be level 2.

Overview of the game mechanics

All dice rolls in Tri-Stat use two dice of the same type. These types are different depending on the power level . For mundane settings it is 2d4, for heroic 2d6, for posthuman 2d8, for superheroes 2d10 to 2d12 and for godlike 2d20. The method of the task solution is comparable to that in GURPS , where the target number has to be subdued in order to achieve success.

Task solution

Whenever the outcome of a character's action is uncertain, the character must roll the dice to randomly determine success or failure. There are three types of tests in Tri-Stat, Stat Checks (value tests), Skill Checks (skill tests) and Contested Checks (comparative tests). Stat checks are performed when the GM thinks that the character's natural gifts are more important than their skills. Skill checks are conducted when a specific area of ​​the character's skills needs to be tested. Contested checks are carried out when an action conflicts with another character or NPC.

Without conflict with other characters, stat checks and skill checks are filed against a Difficulty Modifier determined by the SL . Modifiers range from +6 (very easy) to -6 (very difficult). For 2d20, something really light would be +20 and something really heavy would be -20. In all cases the average difficulty is set to 0.

When doing a stat check , the player must achieve a result equal to or less than the stat with his two dice . For example, to open a heavy door you would have to roll the dice equal to or less than the Body Stat . If this is thrown over, the action fails.

To place a skill check , the player adds the skill to the appropriate stat and must try to roll the dice less than or equal to this total. As with the stat check , a higher roll is a failure. Often the game management may decide that a certain task requires at least one level in a skill , otherwise the character cannot perform the task or the player has to roll against its simple stat , for which the game leader a positive depending on the familiarity of the character with the situation or negative modifier.

In a conflict with another character, the player must pass a normal stat check or skill check , but on top of that, achieve a better result than the opponent in order to be successful. Game masters can impose positive or negative modifiers at their discretion, depending on whether the challenger has an advantage or disadvantage during the trial.

Combat Scenes (battle scenes)

Time is measured in Tri-Stat in rounds , which correspond to about 5 seconds in real time. Rounds are connected to one another to form Scenes . A scene changes when specific events and locations in the game change. For example, a fight scene would change if it were moved from a pub to the parking lot in front of it. During a turn, a character can take several types of actions such as movement, attack, and defense.

Combat can be viewed as a collection of contested checks . For attacks, characters use their Attack Combat Value (ACV) as a value that must be subjugated. The ACV can be modified by combat skills such as Gun Combat , with specializations helping as usual. To determine the initiative (initiative), 2w + ACV are rolled. The highest roll, Gains Initiative , allows the associated character to act first or to delay their action and let the enemy act first.

Defenders roll their Defense Combat Value: (DCV) to see if they can fend off incoming attacks. A successful test means that the attack was blocked, while a failed test means that the character is taking damage.

Claims settlement

Characters can take damage from either injuries or attacks in combat. Every attack has a Maximum Damage Rating (MDR) , which indicates the total amount of damage that a certain weapon or accident situation can cause to a victim. If an attack penetrates the defense, the defender suffers damage. Depending on the power level of the campaign, the damage is rolled with 2 dice and looked up on the Damage Percentage Table . This roll determines whether the victim suffers 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of the MDR. The attacker's ACV is completely added to the percentage of MDR to determine the total amount of damage done. Damage is then deducted from a character or object's health points .

There are also optional rules for calculating damage. One of them is based on BESM , as the attacks always do 100% damage (where 75% damage would be closer to BESM's damage values ​​and is also the most common result of a normal damage roll). Another method - based on the Tri-Stat version of Hong Kong Action Theater! , in which the players slip into the role of kung fu actors - hits also cause 100% damage. In addition, despite a successful defense by the defender, you can still cause 50% damage if the attacker was able to undercut his ACV with his attack throw more than the defender could undercut his DCV.

Critical Hits are dealt whenever the attack die is 2. The attacker automatically hits his target (which cannot defend against it). The target then suffers double the MDR of the weapon plus the attacker's ACV of damage.

When a character loses all of their Health Points , they pass out and begin to die. If the health points fall below the negative value of the health points , he is dead. For example, a character with 25 health points dies when his health points reach -25.


Game masters can reward Tri-Stat characters with Advancement Points , which players can use to improve stats.

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