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Exalead [eg'zæli: d] is the Quaero associated project Internet - search engine and since June 2010, the same division of Dassault Systemes . Exalead was founded in 2000 with headquarters in Paris ( France ), the search engine has been online since 2004. The founders were François Bourdoncle and Patrice Bertin.

Search index size

The search engine's index comprises over 16 billion pages (according to operator information on the Exalead website, as of August 14, 2013).


The search engine index not only contains websites with common document types such as HTML , PDF or DOC , but also with films , music and other multimedia files. At times, Exalead was also one of the few search engines that support wildcards and regular expressions .

The results initially obtained by entering the search terms on the Exalead website can be further restricted by document type, language, country of origin, categories and topics until a desired search result is achieved.

Next to each search result, Exalead shows a small preview image to help you get a first impression of the pages found. Clicking on this preview takes you to a large, complete view of the page, similar to what you know from image searches in other search engines. In this preview the search terms are highlighted in color and you can jump to the next occurrence by clicking on one of them.

In April 2007, Exalead started a special Wikipedia search engine that assigns an image from the article as a preview to every entry found and also displays article categories as well as an image search function with the option of limiting the results to faces using automatic image recognition. Both functions are still in beta.

Contact options

To spam to report poor results or error, there is a feedback form; the reports are personally evaluated and answered. Interactive "feedback portals" were set up in various languages ​​to provide suggestions for improvement. There you can make suggestions for improvements and new functions and vote on the suggestions of others.


The name Exalead is a combination of the mathematical prefix exa (10 18 ) as a symbol of the large number of indexed pages and the English verb to lead , which means that Exalead leads the searcher through the results.

The company has approximately 70 employees in Paris ( France ), Milan ( Italy ), Glasgow ( United Kingdom ), Weinheim ( Germany ) and New York City ( United States ).

Until the takeover by Dassault Systèmes (DS) in June 2010, the French private equity firm SCA Qualis held 59% of the shares in Exalead. In addition to 3D and PLM software, Exalead is the third pillar of DS today. DS intends to expand the business area considerably and to link it with the other divisions.


The search engine went online with the first version four years after the company was founded in 2004. In March 2006 the index had 4 billion pages. In August of the same year, the beta version of the second version of the search engine was presented to the public. Since then there has also been a feedback portal. In October 2006, the second version became the official version of Exalead. At that time, the search index already comprised 8 billion pages. In 2007 the feedback portal was also activated in German. The Exalead blog also went online. Since then, a Wikipedia search and face recognition for image search have also been integrated. In May 2007, SplitGames and Exalead launched a joint video game search engine, GameSkoot . In July 2007, Exalead won the ChinICT Award . In 2010 Dassault Systèmes acquired Exalead.

Individual evidence

  1. Exalead at a glance. Exalead, accessed June 17, 2007 .
  2. Actualité de Qualis. (No longer available online.) Qualis, archived from the original on June 27, 2007 ; Retrieved June 17, 2007 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.qualis-sca.com
  3. Exalead Blog. Exalead, accessed July 28, 2010 .

Web links