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. Exenteration ( exenteration ) or evisceration ( Evisceratio ) are the medical technical terms for the removal ( ex off, out) of viscera ( Greek : enteron , latin : viscera ), the so-called " evisceration ". Both terms can be used synonymously.

The exenteratio or evisceratio pelvis is the extensive to complete removal of the organs of the pelvis ( pelvis ), i.e. the urinary bladder , vagina , vaginal vestibule and possibly also rectum , in the case of vaginal or cervical carcinoma .

In ophthalmology, the removal of the eyeball ( Bulbus oculi ) is referred to as Exenteratio oculi or Exenteratio bulbi (also enucleatio bulbi ) , the Exenteratio orbitae is the clearing out of the eye socket ( orbit ).

Evisceration was also a form of execution. See also bowel removal .