Félicien Chapuis

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Félicien Chapuis

Félicien Chapuis (born April 29, 1824 in Verviers , † September 30, 1879 in Heusy near Verviers) was a Belgian doctor and entomologist .


Chapuis was the son of a doctor. After graduating from high school, he went to Bonn to learn the German language. Chapuis was interested in natural history and biology as a teenager. He studied medicine at the University of Liège , where he made friends with Ernest Candèze , who was also interested in entomology and also became a doctor. Both were interested in beetles and were stimulated to do scientific work by their zoology professor Jean Théodore Lacordaire (especially a study of beetle larvae). After completing his studies, he went to hospitals in Paris from 1852 and then settled as a doctor in his hometown. In addition to his profession as a doctor, Chapuis was a well-known entomologist. He received doctorates in both natural sciences (1848) and medicine. He completed the monumental work Histoire naturelle des insectes. Genera des Coléoptères about beetles by Théodore Lacordaire (parts 10–12, 1874–1876) after his death.

He was also interested in botany (but did not publish anything about it) and wrote a book on the orientation of pigeons.

In 1858 he became a corresponding and in 1865 a full member of the Royal Belgian Academy of Sciences . In 1872 he received the Knight's Cross of the Leopold Order .


In addition to the books already mentioned:

  • "Monograph des platypides", Mémoires de la Société des Sciences de Liège, Volume 20, 1866 (Platypodidae, heartwood beetles )
  • "Synopsis des Scolytides", Mémoires de la Société des Sciences de Liège, Volume 22, 1869 ( bark beetle )

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Individual evidence

  1. Catalog des larves de coléoptères connues jusqu'à ce jour, avec la description de quelques espèces nouvelles , Mémoires de la Société royale des Sciences de Liège, Volume 8, 1853, p. 343
  2. Le pigeon voyageur belge , Verviers, Vinche 1865