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Församling is the general Swedish name for a parish .

Swedish Church

Referred specifically församling a church congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden , up to 1999, the state church of Sweden was.

Before the “denationalization” of the Swedish Church in 2000, the församling was also called “ecclesiastical congregation” (kyrklig kommun) in contrast to the secular congregation ( commun ) . The whole of Sweden is divided into 2216 municipalities (as of 2005) . This means that the församlingar also have a geographical aspect. The vast majority of them are so-called territorial parishes (territorial församling) , only five (as of 2006) have a non -territorial character (icke-territorial församling) , for example the admiralty community inKarlskrona , the last remaining municipality that is connected to a military unit ( militaryförsamling or garnisonsförsamling ). The Church of Sweden also has more than 40 parishes abroad, including in Hamburg .

The ecclesiastical organization of the Church of Sweden is governed by the Church Law 1998 and the Church Ordinance. The parishes are the local units of the Church of Sweden. One or more parishes form a pastorate (contract) .

A parish is administratively independent. Among other things, it decides on issues relating to the holding of church services, religious and ecclesiastical training and further education in the community, the acquisition and maintenance of church buildings, the construction and maintenance of cemeteries, the wages and salaries of its employees.

The decision-making body of the parish is the parish council (kyrkofullmäktige) , which is elected every fourth year. In small towns with fewer than 500 voters, the church assembly (kyrkostämma) , an assembly of all voters, can replace the parish council . The executive body of the parish is the church council (kyrkoråd) , the chairman of which is the pastor (kyrkoherde) .


The församling as a term in the Swedish so-called " Folkbokföring " was until December 31, 2015 the smallest geographical administrative unit on the basis of which the Swedish statistical authority, Statistiska centralbyrån , carried out annual censuses. Therefore, all were in Sweden "people carrying out" (folkbokförda) people both in the political municipality (kommun) in the as församling registered. The division of Sweden into statistical församlingar in the sense of the people's bookkeeping corresponded to the division of Sweden into the församlingar of the Swedish Church. Membership in a statistical församling was independent of membership in the Church of Sweden.

Since January 1, 2016 these statistical församlingar have been replaced by districts that correspond to the församlingar on December 31, 1999.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Districtsindelning i folkbokföringen. ( Memento of March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Riksantikvarieämbetet, January 27, 2015. Retrieved on December 31, 2015.
  2. SFS 2015: 493 Förordning om distrikt. Svensk författningssamling, June 17, 2015. Accessed December 31, 2015.