Fable (disambiguation)

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Fable (from Latin fabula for "story, legend, story")

  • a narrative in verse or prose with didactic intent, see fable
  • the plot, structure on which an epic or dramatic work is based and in which the most important motifs are contained, see plot (storytelling)
  • a fictional, implausible or fictitious story, see confabulation
  • in ancient Rome a play (fabula), one differentiated
    • the classic fabula palliata , a Greek theater-inspired piece in which Greek characters appeared in Greek-style sets; its name is derived from pallion, the Greek robe, see theater of ancient Greece
    • the fabula togata , a comedy , only emerged around the 2nd century BC; the characters appearing were Roman and clad in togas
    • the fabula praetexta, as tragedy the counterpart of the fabula togata and less popular than the togata; the players wore the "toga praetexta" of Roman dignitaries

Fable stands for:

  • Fable is short for Fa milienzentriertes Ba by- El tern concept. The idea for developing this concept was given in 1997 by the Society for Birth Preparation - Family Education and Women's Health - Bundesverband eV

Fabel is the family name of the following person:

  • Karl Fabel (1905–1975), German chess composer and author

See also: