Fabian von Aderkas

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Fabian von Aderkas (* before 1605; † 1683 in Reval ) was a major general in the Swedish army and owner of the Baltic estates Pennijöggi , Sallajöggi , Tackfer , Bisterwolde and pumpkin . He came from the Baltic German aristocratic family Aderkas .


Already in 1619 the young Fabian von Aderkas was enfeoffed by King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden with Padesjoki and Kumois in Finland. In the 1620s he was together with his brother, who later became Colonel Jürgen Aderkas (1603–1631), Cornet of the Livonian aristocratic flag. On August 31, 1625, the Swedish king transferred the entire village of Salgal (Sallajoggi) in Estonia from his encampment at Biržai Aderkas. In May 1638 Fabian Aderkas bought the Wittersbeck estate (pumpkin) with the villages of Massküll, Rammeneck, Ranneküll and two jugs in Livonia from Melchior Falkenberg for 3500 Reichstaler.

In 1656 Fabian von Aderkas was Swedish colonel and commander of the Livonian noble regiment. Because of his victories at Kokenhausen (1656), Erlaa (1657), in the defense of Pernau (1658) and the capture of the Courland Colonel Johann Lübeck (1659), called "blind Valentin", Aderkas promoted to major general. In March 1659 he and his troops (2000 men) blocked the fortress Hasenpot in Courland and took the entire garrison (300 men, two colonels, 9 flags and 6 cannons) prisoner. On July 5, 1679, Fabian Aderkas gave his son Lieutenant Otto Reinhold Aderkas his house on the Domberg in Reval in Tackfer . He died in 1683 and was buried in the Nikolaikirche in Reval.

Marriage and offspring

Fabian married Anna von Tiesenhausen . They had sons together:

  • Jürgen († 1655 in Poland), Rittmeister
  • Magnus Johann (* 1627; † February 24, 1677 in Riga), Rittmeister
  • Otto Reinhold († December 1707), Rittmeister


  • Ottokar v. Aderkas, contributions to the history of the ancient noble family of Aderkas
  • Claus v. Aderkas, History of the Kürbis-Büsterwolde Estate 1491-1938
  • Chalice, Lieflendische Historia, Reval 1695

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. [Tartu Ülikool: Research on Baltic History , Akadeemiline Ajalooselts, 2006]