Fabio Wajngarten

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Fabio Wajngarten

Fabio Wajngarten (born November 1, 1975 ) is a Brazilian lawyer and entrepreneur . He is the founder and partner of Controle da Concorência and FW Comunicação , which work in the field of media consumption research. Wajngarten has been the special communications secretary in the Bolsonaro cabinet since April 5, 2019 and heads the Secretaria Especial de Comunicação Social (Secom).


Fabio Wajngartens parents are in São Paulo acting cardiologist Mauricio Wajngarten and Clara Wajngarten. He is of the Jewish faith .

He was diagnosed with Covid-19 on March 12, 2020, after returning from a trip to Mar-a-Lago , Florida in the wake of Jair Bolsonaro .

Political activity

Just six months after taking office, the weekly Istoé denounced him and his practices and titled him in an article as "Goebbels des Planalto" , which led to protests by representatives of the Jewish population in Brazil.

At the beginning of February 2020, Folha de S. Paulo reported that after his appointment as special secretary for communications, Wajngarten received information about the activities of his companies and the contracts with television and advertising agencies, from which Secom, the ministries and state companies of Jair received money -Bolsonaro -Administration had been concealed. A corruption investigation was initiated.

Individual evidence

  1. Secom de Bolsonaro vai unificar comunicação Ministries, diz Wajngarten. In: com.br. Poder360, February 10, 2020, accessed April 19, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  2. Patrícia Campos Mello, Gustavo Uribe: Wajngarten volta de viagem aos EUA com Bolsonaro e testa positivo para coronavírus. In: folha.uol.com.br. Folha de S. Paulo , March 12, 2020, accessed March 12, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  3. ^ O Goebbels do Planalto. In: istoe.com.br. November 8, 2019, accessed March 14, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
  4. Marcus M. Gilban: Brazilian Jews slam magazine that liked Jewish politician to Hitler's propaganda mastermind. In: jta.org. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, November 10, 2019, accessed March 14, 2020 (American English).
  5. André Shalders: Quem é Fabio Wajngarten, o chefe polêmico as Secom de Bolsonaro - BBC News Brasil. In: bbc.com. January 22, 2020, accessed March 12, 2020 (Portuguese). Fábio Fabrini, Julio Wiziack: Wajngarten omitiu da Presidência sua relação com empresas pagas pelo governo. In: folha.uol.com.br. Folha de S. Paulo , February 4, 2020, accessed March 12, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese). Fábio Fabrini, Julio Wiziack: Chefe da Secom recebe dinheiro de emissoras e agências contratadas pelo governo Bolsonaro. In: folha.uol.com.br. Folha de S. Paulo , January 15, 2020, accessed March 12, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).

  6. Fábio Fabrini, Julio Wiziack: PF abre inquérito para investigar Wajngarten por suspeita de corrupção e peculato. In: folha.uol.com.br. Folha de S. Paulo , February 4, 2020, accessed March 14, 2020 (Brazilian Portuguese).
predecessor Office successor
Floriano Barbosa de Amorim Neto Secretaria Especial de Comunicação Social
since April 5, 2019