Fearless girl

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Fearless girl
Kristen Visbal , 2017
Bronze sculpture
New York City

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Fearless Girl ( Engl. "Fearless girl") is the name of the American sculptor Kristen Visbal  (* 1962) created bronze statue of a girl who, up to International Women's Day 2017 in Bowling Green Park in New York City erected the statue of Charging Bull from Arturo Di Modica .


In the original conception, the Fearless Girl faces the Charging Bull , legs apart, hands on hips. She looks confidently at the charging bull, a statue that has stood in Bowling Green Park on Wall Street since 1989 and has become a symbol of aggressive, financial optimism and success - the bull market .

The statue of the Fearless Girl was erected on the occasion of International Women's Day on the night of March 7th to 8th, 2017, to draw attention to the grievance that the boards of the Russell 3000 index companies still have a share in Women in leadership positions is very low. A plaque next to the statue reads: “Know the power of women in leadership. SHE makes a difference. ”(Get to know the power of women in leadership positions. SHE makes the difference). The statue was originally only supposed to stay up for a month, but due to its popularity, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced in March 2017 that the statue should remain there until at least March 8, 2018.

In December 2018, the location changed and her new permanent location is opposite the New York Stock Exchange, which she has an eye on.

Origin and background

The statue was commissioned by State Street Global Advisors , the world's third largest asset manager (a subsidiary of State Street Corporation ). The idea came from the McCann advertising agency in New York. State Street Global Advisors has been issuing an index called "SHE" for years, which examines the proportion of women on executive boards and the relationship between the proportion of women and the profit ratio and company growth.

Adweek , an American marketing magazine, publishedbackground informationon its blog Adfreak and provided a video about the creation process of the sculpture.

“The statue was literally an overnight sensation. It's become a serious tourist attraction, mobbed day and night by crowds charmed by the girl's confident and defiant pose. ”

“The statue literally became a sensation overnight. It has become a tourist attraction, to which crowds flock day and night, enchanted by the girl's self-assured and defiant pose. "

- Tim Nudd : Adweek

The great success was associated with the fact that the girl, as a symbol for the future, enables identification. The choice of the time to erect the statue at the beginning of International Women's Day on March 8, 2017 also played a central role. While the statue of the bull symbolically expresses power, strength and power, the organizers of the project believed that they recognized the personified fearlessness and confidence in the statue of the girl.

In order to realize the project, the organizers tried to bring as many women as possible into the team. Since the artist was only approached in December 2016 and the production of a bronze sculpture is complex, it was worked on "around the clock".


City Hall's permission for the statue to remain was initially set for one week, but was increased to 30 days shortly afterwards. Then Nira Desai launched a petition for the statue to remain permanently on the way, which quickly found numerous signatories. In the meantime, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has decided that the statue may remain standing until at least February 2018.

Statue of the "Fearless Girl" in final location in front of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), February 2019

The political activist, lawyer and politician of the Democratic Party Letitia James has launched an initiative to get the statue to remain permanent. In a letter to De Blasio she wrote: “Fearless Girl stands as a powerful beacon, showing women - young and old - that no dream is too big and no ceiling is too high”. (Eng .: Fearless Girl stands like a mighty beacon that shows women - young and old - that no dream is too big and no ceiling is too high.)

In April 2018, City Mayor Bill De Blasio agreed with State Street Global Advisors that the statue should be placed in front of the New York Stock Exchange . So it is where Arturo Modica originally placed his bull. State Street said 150 companies have added women to their boards since the statue was erected.


Cara Marsh Sheffler writes in her report, The Fearless Girl 'statue sums up what's wrong with feminism today (dt .: The statue of the Fearless Girl sums up what is wrong with today's feminism): "Corporate feminism always ends up betraying women's struggle for justice. That's why this Wall Street-funded sculpture will never be a symbol to embrace. ”(German: Corporate Feminism always ends with the betrayal of women's struggle for justice. Therefore, this Wall Street-funded sculpture will never be an acceptable symbol [for equality]. )

Also Ginia Bellafante criticized in the New York Times "false feminism" ( The False Feminism ) of the Fearless Girl . She states that at the companies involved, the proportion of women at management level is not even a third.

Arturo Di Modica, the artist who created the Charging Bull , is filing a lawsuit against New York City. He believes the Fearless Girl statue is violating his rights because it was installed without his permission. For him it is an insult to his work. It would attack his bull. He thought it was very important to draw attention to women's rights, but this should be done in a different place. He wants to end the confrontation between the bull and the girl, because this confrontation would have changed the meaning of his statue. It would no longer stand for “freedom, peace, strength and love”, but rather radiate a negative force that would have been transformed into a threat. State Street Global's lawyers accuse State Street Global of conceiving the Fearless Girl statue as a site-specific work against the Charging Bull . As a result, the statue of Di Modica is being marketed incorrectly in violation of his copyright.

The Washington Post reports that Di Modica has sharply criticized the interpretation of the fearless girl as a symbol of a woman's awakening. The statue does not represent art for him, but is exclusively an advertising measure by the gender- oriented company that commissioned it. He goes on to say that his protest was not intended to disrupt the importance of gender equality, but rather to defend the integrity of his sculpture. He designed his bull as an art object. He is a symbol of America and a symbol of prosperity and strength.

At the end of May 2017, the artist Alex Gardega installed his own sculpture out of anger about the violation of the “integrity” of the Charging Bull by Fearless Girl . The figure, which shows a urinating dog and accordingly became known as the "Pissing Pug", he placed next to Fearless Girl's left foot for a few hours. Fearless Girl is "corporate nonsense" and he wants to devalue the statue through his work as it devalues Charging Bull .

More locations

Google-Cardboard.jpgFearless Girl in London in Paternoster Square behind the LSE in 3D

A replica was set up in Oslo on March 8, 2018, it is in front of the Grand Hotel, opposite the Norwegian Parliament, which is looking at it.

From November 6th to 8th, 2018, another replica was exhibited in Ireland at Dublin Castle on the occasion of Europe's Climate Innovation Summit. From March to June 2019 it will be on display in Paternoster Square near the London Stock Exchange in London.

A replica of the Fearless Girl statue was displayed in Federation Square in Melbourne, Australia on March 8, 2019. She will stay there for three years.

Web links

Commons : Fearless Girl  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kristen Visbal , praebook.com, accessed March 11, 2017
  2. We All Love "The Fearless Girl." But What About Fearless Women? In: Forbes . ( forbes.com ).
  3. a b A fearless girl against the male dominance of the financial world . In: sueddeutsche.de . ( sueddeutsche.de ).
  4. ^ Kunststreit in New York , standard.at, accessed April 16, 2016
  5. a b 'Fearless Girl' gets new home at New York Stock Exchange. In: channelnewsasia.com. Channel NewsAsia, accessed February 28, 2019 .
  6. a b c Tim Nudd: The Story of 'The Fearless Girl'. From the Women at McCann Who Made Her. In: Adweek. March 10, 2017, accessed March 12, 2017 .
  7. ^ Rachael Revesz: Campaign launches to make 'Fearless Girl' statue on Wall Street permanent. In: Independent. March 9, 2017, accessed March 12, 2017 .
  8. ^ Nira Desai: Make Wall Street's Fearless Girl Permanent. In: Change.org. Retrieved March 12, 2017 (English).
  9. ↑ The figure “Fearless Girl” remains. Deutsche Welle, March 28, 2017, accessed February 28, 2017 .
  10. Jillian Jorgensen: EXCLUSIVE: Letitia James wants 'Fearless Girl' to be permanent . In: Daily News . March 2017 (English, nydailynews.com [accessed February 3, 2018]).
  11. Katharina Kort: The fearless girl moves to the New York Stock Exchange. Handelsblatt of April 19, 2018. Accessed July 9, 2018
  12. The 'Fearless Girl' statue sums up what's wrong with feminism today . In: The Guardian . March 14, 2017 ( theguardian.com ).
  13. The False Feminism of 'Fearless Girl' . In: The New York Times . March 16, 2017 ( nytimes.com ).
  14. 'Charging Bull' sculptor says New York's 'Fearless Girl' statue violates his rights . In: The Guardian . April 11, 2017 ( theguardian.com ).
  15. Wounded by 'Fearless Girl,' Creator of 'Charging Bull' Wants Her to Move . In: The New York Times . April 12, 2017 ( nytimes.com ).
  16. ^ New York: Arturo Di Modica: "Fearless Girl" distorts my art . ( kurier.at ).
  17. 'Charging Bull' sculptor says 'Fearless Girl' distorts his art. He's fighting back. In: washingtonpost.com. Washington Post, accessed April 16, 2017 .
  18. Peter Holley: An artist hated the 'Fearless Girl' statue - so he put this at her feet. In: Washington Post. October 17, 2017, accessed February 3, 2018 .
  19. Jack Shepherd: Pissing Pug statue added to Fearless Girl in protest of 'corporate nonsense'. In: The Independent. May 30, 2017. Retrieved February 3, 2018 .
  20. Danielle Wiener-Bronner: 'Fearless Girl' artist wants her message spread beyond Wall Street. In: cnn.com. CNNMoney, 2018, accessed February 28, 2019 .
  21. ^ Wall Street's 'Fearless Girl' Is Heading to Ireland to Fight Climate Change. In: artnet.com. artnet News, 2018, accessed February 28, 2019 (American English).
  22. BBC News: Fearless Girl statue in London promotes female leaders, March 6, 2019. Retrieved March 9, 2019
  23. City of Melbourne: Fearless Girl. In: gov.au. whatson.melbourne.vic.gov.au, 2019, accessed February 28, 2019 .

Coordinates: 40 ° 42 ′ 20.2 "  N , 74 ° 0 ′ 48.3"  W.