Federación Latinoamericana de Hipnosis Clínica

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The Federación Latinoamericana de Hipnosis Clínica ("Latin American Association for Clinical Hypnosis") was a Latin American professional association for clinical hypnosis .

The association was founded in the 1950s in the spirit of Milton H. Erickson with the aim of networking and further training of specialists as well as sensitizing the public to the benefits of hypnosis. One of its founding members was the Sociedad Argentina de Hipnoterapia . The association included u. a. two Argentine , four Brazilian , one Chilean , two Colombian , one Spanish , one Peruvian , one Uruguayan and five Venezuelan associations for clinical hypnosis.

Among other things, the association held regular meetings in various countries on the continent. His publication organ, the Revista Latino-Americana de Hipnosis Clínica , appeared trimestrially from November 1959 under the editorial management of Isaac Gubel . He also published the magazines Acta hipnológica latinoamericana and Hipnología .

The association should not be confused with the Confederación Latinoamericana de Hipnosis Clínica y Experimental .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Ricardo Horacio Etchegoyen : Estado actual de la psicoterapia en la Argentina . In: Vertex: Revista Argentina de Psiquiatría . tape XII , no. 45 , 2001, ISSN  0327-6139 , OCLC 43531834 , p. 226–237 (Spanish, online [PDF]).
  2. ^ A b Santiago Montserrat i Esteve : L'Hypnose pendant les Cinq Dernières Années (1955–1960). In: Acta Psychotherapeutica et Psychosomatica , 1961, 9, pp. 429-468. doi : 10.1159 / 000285612