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Felicula († around 90 in Rome ) was an early Christian and martyr .

According to legend, Felicula was a confidante of Saint Petronilla , who is said to be a daughter of the Apostle Peter . Felicula was a virgin and refused to marry a wealthy Roman and to sacrifice his gods, whereupon she was sentenced to death, executed and her body thrown into the sewer. Saint Nicomedes , who is also said to have helped Petronilla in her martyrdom, then saved the body of Felicula and buried it with honor near the Via Ardeatina before he himself suffered the martyrdom.

The saint's feast day is June 13th .


  • Felicula, p . In: Johann E. Stadler , Franz Joseph Heim, Johann N. Ginal (Eds.): Complete Lexicon of Saints ... , Volume 2 (E – H), B. Schmid'sche Verlagbuchhandlung (A. Manz), Augsburg 1861, pp.  173-174 .