Felix Kadlinský

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Felix Kadlinský (* 1613 in Horšovský Týn , † 1675 in Uherské Hradiště ) was a Bohemian Jesuit , writer and translator into the Czech language.


In 1635 Felix Kadlinsky became a member of the order of the Jesuits and teacher of the Humaniora at the Jesuit college in Jitschin in Eastern Bohemia , after 1639 he was rector of the college in Hungarian-Hradish in Moravia for eleven years . He wrote translations and paraphrases of sacred works, especially by Friedrich Spee , which glorified an idyllic, peaceful world, probably a reaction to the atrocities he experienced during the Thirty Years' War.


Translations into prose (selection)

  • Trutznachtigal (Zdoroslavíček v kratochvilném hájíčku postavený) - paraphrases of the song collection Trutznachtigall by the German Jesuit Friedrich Spee , his most important work. Its content is religious and nature-glorifying songs.
  • Mirror of the Suffering Mother of God the Virgin Mary (Zrcadlo bolestné Matky Boží Panny Marie) - In this work he commemorates the Mother of God Mary.
  • The life and fame of St. Wenceslas (Život a sláva svatého Václava).
  • The life of Saint Ludmila (Život svaté Ludmily) is attributed to him.
  • Spiritual Treasure Chest (Pokladnice duchovní) - meditation and reflections on enduring life.
  • Numerous church texts, including works by Friedrich von Spee.
  • Faith, Hope, Love, 1662, after Friedrich von Spee.

Published in German

Songs on CD Zdoro - Slavicek / The Nachtingale-in-despite
