Jura rock project

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Jura rock project near the Attenbrunn mill

The Jura rock project is a project in the area of ​​the Altmühltal with side valleys in the southern Franconian Alb in Bavaria to expose overgrown rock groups in order to preserve valuable biotopes .

In the area of ​​the forest of the Franconian Jura of the Bavarian State Forests in the Altmühltal and in the side valleys of the Altmühl, as part of the project that has been running since 2006, the warm and dry Jura rocky areas, which are becoming more and more overgrown and thus lose their interconnectedness, are being removed through targeted deforestation measures of trees and Bushes exposed again. The plant and animal species that specialize in these locations and are in some cases highly endangered and are recorded on the Bavarian Red List are thereby preserved or expanded again. Examples are the peregrine falcon , the Apollo butterfly , the evergreen rock flower and the pasque flower . However, certain rock areas are also left in their current state in order to secure their habitat for those species that have specially adapted and which could in turn be endangered by exemption measures.

The Bavarian State Forests, the Kipfenberg Forestry Company , the Bund Naturschutz in Bayern and the Landesbund für Vogelschutz in Bayern , local group Eichstätt, work together on this project for nature and species protection .


  • Regional nature conservation concept for the Kipfenberg forestry company, status: May 2015 . See: [2]
  • A habitat for endangered species . In: Donaukurier Ingolstadt from November 14, 2006
  • Elmar Ettle: Jura rock project . In: Official u. Bulletin of the market Kipfenberg, No. 8/2011, p. 13 f.

Web links

  • [3] Project description on the website of the Bavarian State Forests
  • [4] Website of the State Association for Bird Protection Eichstätt

Individual evidence

  1. Information board on a rocky area near the Attenbrunn mill
  2. ^ [1] Bavarian State Forests website
  3. Information board on a rocky area near the Attenbrunn mill