Fire service access

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A fire brigade access is a permanently free and accessible access for rescue workers to public and private objects.

The purpose of the fire brigade access is to give the fire brigade access to the property that can be used on foot, i. This means that only portable devices are taken along via this access.

With a signposted fire service access (in contrast to the signposted fire service access ) there are no additional restrictions on the parking and parking rules .

State law regulates the exact requirements for the development of a property and the possible need for fire service access.


The model guidelines on areas for the fire brigade , which specify Section 5 of the model building regulations, require fire brigade entrances to be at least 1.25 meters wide, small restrictions such as doors may have a clear width of 1 meter.

In earlier times, a width of 1.60 meters was usually prescribed, since at that time the larger extension ladder was used as a portable ladder . However, since this is no longer used in Germany for new building permits to secure the second escape route and the 4-part extension ladder is taken into account instead , this requirement has been corrected downwards. In existing buildings, however , the measure of 1.60 meters can still often be found.

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Sample guidelines for areas for the fire brigade