No parking

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The parking ban is a traffic rule that prohibits the parking of road vehicles ( motor vehicles , trailers , bicycles and carts ) in certain zones of the public traffic area . In Switzerland, the official designation is parking ban and, colloquially, parking ban . It is "weaker" than the stopping ban and is mainly controlled by those who monitor stationary traffic in accordance with the catalog of fines .


Finnish variant of the no-parking signal (liikennemerkki numero 373, Pysäköintikieltoalue)

The parking ban can be stipulated by national traffic regulations (for example, general parking ban on rural roads) or can be indicated by traffic signs (signals) and / or floor markings .

The country-specific traffic signs for the parking ban are very similar in Europe : round with a red outer ring and a blue inner surface, which is crossed by a diagonal red line (sometimes the old signal with a white instead of a blue inner surface, on which there is a black P). In Germany, this sign is colloquially referred to as a parking ban . A restricted stopping ban would be correct there .

In Switzerland , the parking ban is regulated in Art. 30 Stopping and parking bans of the Swiss Signaling Ordinance (SSV). The associated signal is forbidden to park 2:50 , commonly known with Parkierverbot or no parking abbreviated.

In Austria , the parking ban is regulated in § 24. Stopping and parking bans of the Austrian Road Traffic Act (StVO). The associated traffic sign is specified in Section 52 (a) Z 13a. "PARKING FORBIDDEN" regulated.

Rules in Germany

The parking ban is regulated in Germany according to the road traffic regulations (StVO) by means of traffic signs and according to § 12 StVO. Parking is defined in paragraph 2 as follows:

"Anyone who leaves their vehicle or stops for more than three minutes parks."

Sign 314 StVO: Parking

Basically, you have to park on the right edge of the lane or on a right shoulder , this also includes parking lanes . You can park on the left in one-way streets (sign 220:) Sign 220-20 - one-way street, pointing to the right, StVO 2017.svg, as well as if there are rails on the right-hand side of the road ( Section 12 (4) of the StVO). Parking is space-saving ( Section 12 (5) StVO).

A parking area marking allows parking; on sidewalks, however, only vehicles with a permissible total weight of up to 2.8 t. The set-up arranged by the parking area marking must be observed. Where it is marked with continuous lines, it can be crossed. If parking areas are clearly demarcated on streets, this is used to arrange how vehicles are to be set up.

Parking ban according to StVO

Parking is prohibited in accordance with Section 12 (3) of the StVO:

  • On sidewalks.
  • In the five meter area in front of and behind crossings and junctions . This area is determined 5 meters from the intersection of the road edges.
  • If this prevents the use of marked parking areas.
  • In front of property entrances and exits , on narrow lanes also opposite them.
  • Above manhole covers and other closures, where parking on sidewalks is permitted by sign 315 ( Sign 315-55 - parking halfway on sidewalks in the direction of travel right, StVO 1992.svg) or a parking area marking ( § 41 Annex 2 No. 74 StVO).
  • Before lowering the curb .
  • on bicycle protection lanes marked by guidelines .
  • per 15 m front of and behind stops signs (sign 224: Sign 224 - stop, StVO 2017.svg)
  • within boundary marking for no parking ( Sign 299)
  • on priority Sign 306 - priority road, StVO 1970.svgroads (sign 306:) outside built-up areas on the carriageway.
  • Parking on the lane is only permitted if there is a clearance width of 3.05 meters on the lane, measured up to a continuous line, if there is one Sign 295 StVO(lane boundary and lane boundary, sign 295) or Sign 296 StVO(one-sided lane boundary, sign 296). This regulation is used to ensure that fire engines can pass the street. These are 2.55 meters wide and there is an additional 25 cm safety distance on both sides.
  • If parking spaces are designated (e.g. parking on sidewalks [sign 315: Sign 315-55 - parking halfway on sidewalks in the direction of travel right, StVO 1992.svg], also with an additional sign, and parking lot (sign 314: Sign 314-50 - parking lot, StVO 2013.svgwith additional sign)), you are not allowed to park on the edge of the road.
  • In traffic-calmed areas (sign 325.1:) Sign 325.1 - beginning of a traffic-calmed area, StVO 2009.svg, parking outside the designated areas is not permitted, except for getting in or out, loading or unloading.

Parking ban: Restricted parking ban according to Z 286 StVO

Z 286 StVO: restricted parking ban

The sign 286 Sign 286 - Restricted stopping ban, StVO 1970.svg, restricted parking prohibition, commands:

“Anyone who drives a vehicle
may not stay on the road for more than three minutes,
with the exception of getting in
or out or loading or unloading.
Charging transactions must be carried out without delay. "

- Appendix 2 serial no. 63/64 StVO

Until the 2009 amendment to the Road Traffic Act, this sign was also referred to as a parking ban; however, this has since been defined differently according to the StVO.

Regulations for certain types of vehicles

Free parking for charging electric vehicles (sign on Ernst-Reuter-Platz in Berlin )

For certain types of vehicles are available in ( § 12 para 3 and 4 Highway Code.) Special rules: motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of over 7.5t, as well as their trailers 2 t gross vehicle weight within built-up areas in the period 22:00 to 06:00 and on You are not allowed to park on Sundays and public holidays if this happens regularly:

However, this does not apply to appropriately marked parking spaces or to the parking of regular buses at terminal stops.

Motor vehicle trailers without a towing vehicle may not be parked for longer than two weeks, except in appropriately marked parking spaces.

There are no parking bans for bicycles. They can be parked on the side of the road or on sidewalks. However, this only applies to bicycles that are ready for use or rental bikes that are used for traffic purposes and are only parked temporarily. Parking is also permitted in traffic-calmed areas (play streets) as well as in squares or in pedestrian zones . However, it must be ensured that pedestrians, wheelchair users or prams are not blocked. Also escape routes must remain free and be guaranteed at intersections a good view of the road users.

Web links

Commons : No parking signs-international  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files


Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Signalization Ordinance: SSV (PDF; 1.4 MB).
  2. Austrian road traffic regulations: § 24 StVO - stopping and parking bans.
  3. § 52 Para. A) Z 13a StVO , - "PARKING FORBIDDEN".
  4. Appendix 2  serial no. 74 StVO.
  5. Road Traffic Regulations (StVO), Annex 3 to Section 42 Paragraph 2, Section 8, Serial No. 22. Accessed on August 5, 2013 .
  6. Appendix 2  serial no. 63/64 StVO
  7. ^ Thomas Harloff: Parking bicycles - Where parking is allowed and where not ,, on March 18, 2015, accessed on July 15, 2018.