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Physical unit
Unit name minute
Unit symbol
Physical quantity (s) Time , span of time
Formula symbol
system Approved for use with the SI
In SI units
Named after Latin pars minuta 'diminished part'
Derived from hour
See also: year , month , day , hour .

The minute is a unit of time that has its origin in the Babylonian sexagesimal system, in which fractions were developed as 60ths and 3600ths. The 60ths were later called pars minuta ('reduced part') in Latin , the 3600th (one 60th of a 60th) as pars minuta secunda ('second reduced part'), from which the second became.

The minute is denoted by the unit symbol "min". "Min" and "Min." Were also used in the past. In addition, periods of time - especially in sport - are also abbreviated to 1h 30 ′ 45 ″ (for 1 hour and 30 minutes and 45 seconds). Spellings like this were also used for times : 20 h  15 m  10 s (for 8 p.m., 15 minutes and 10 seconds).

A time minute is the 60th part of an hour . A minute counts again for 60  seconds . If a leap second is inserted, a (calendar) minute can also have 61 seconds.

The unit “minute” does not belong to the International System of Units (SI), but is approved for use with the SI. This makes it a legal unit of measurement .

Minutes in work study

Mechanical "REFA stopwatch" in HM graduation

In working studies , the time for a job is usually recorded in minutes. Unlike usual, however, it is not divided into seconds, but into hundredths of a minute (HM). It applies

This method, which deviates from the standard, was introduced to simplify calculations for additions, subtractions, etc., since HM can be calculated without carrying over using the methods customary in the decimal system .

Where the REFA process has not caught on, the so-called “ industrial minute ” is sometimes used. Here the hour is broken down into 100 “industrial minutes”.

Operating hours counters with electromechanical counters on construction machines or aircraft engines count the operating time of an internal combustion engine block that needs regular maintenance in block hours . This is usually divided into 10 tenths of an hour by counting wheels with 10 digits each or a scale division from 0 to 9 decimally , which is colloquially interpreted as 100 block minutes . Such a block minute lasts 1/100 of an hour = 36 seconds, exactly as long as an industrial minute.


Based on the hour ( lat. Hora ), the minute was a "reduced hour" (lat. Hora minuta ) and a second was an "hour reduced for the second time" (lat. Hora minuta secunda ).

See also

Wiktionary: Minute  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wikiquote: Minute  - Quotes

Individual evidence

  1. a b The International System of Units (SI) . German translation of the BIPM brochure "Le Système international d'unités / The International System of Units (8e édition, 2006)". In: PTB-Mitteilungen . tape 117 , no. 2 , 2007 ( Online [PDF; 1.4 MB ]).
  2. on the basis of EU Directive 80/181 / EEC in the states of the EU or the Federal Law on Metrology in Switzerland
  3. REFA (Ed.): Data determination. Hanser, Munich 1978, ISBN 3-446-12704-6 ( Methodology of work studies. Part 2), p. 16
  4. Industry minutes
  5. ^ Heinrich Mensen: Handbook of Aviation. Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-34402-2 , p. 1351 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  6. http://www.akaflieg.tugraz.at/?page_id=518 Akaflieg Graz → powered flight → training → costs, 2015. (Price list for powered gliding.) Accessed August 16, 2015.