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Polyester fiberfill

Fiberfill is the generic term for artificial filler fibers that are used for outerwear and bedding.

Fiberfill has a large and stable bulk and good post-wash recovery. It consists of special types of chemical fiber , mostly polyester and often hollow fibers with a high level of flexibility and permanent air permeability. It can have the form of flakes or as Füllvliese for bedding (quilt and duvets), flat beds, quilted fabrics and winter outerwear, dressing gowns or sleeping bags .

The positive properties of Fiberfill are its light weight, good heat retention and good moisture transport. The first time it is filled, there is a high degree of purity, since it is free of dust and lint, it is particularly suitable for allergy sufferers . It is easy to care for, washable, durable and does not tangle. A silicone finish makes the filling fibers particularly smooth and soft and prevents them from clumping. It makes down-proof cover fabrics superfluous. However, down absorbs more moisture and warms better, but it is several times more expensive.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Alfons Hofer: Textile and Model Lexicon . 7th edition, Volume 1, Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurt am Main 1997, keyword “Fiberfill”. ISBN 3-87150-518-8 .