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Fibicius (also Fibitius , Felicius ) (* 5th century; † 6th century) was bishop of Trier after 502 .


In some cases, as by Eugen Ewig or Friedrich Prinz, it is claimed that Fibicius was the founder and first abbot of the St. Maximin Monastery . Other researchers like Erich Wisplinghoff contradict this thesis.

Fibicius' term of office as bishop around 510 fell during the politically troubled times in the wake of the Frankish expansion of power.

His name is attested in the Trier bishops' lists and in Goari's Vita . During his time the beginning of a revival of the Trier church, which gradually gained strength. This continued earlier approaches to proselytizing the areas on the Middle Rhine . In this context he gave permission to build a church by Saint Goar in Oberwesel around 511 . He may also have asked King Theuderich I to send priests from Auvergne to Trier .

After his death he was probably buried in the church of St. Nikolaus in Trier. It is somewhat unclear whether he was followed by a bishop Rusticus, or whether this name was added to the lists of bishops on the basis of Goari's Vita .

Fibicius is venerated as a saint or blessed . His feast day is November 5th.


  • Hans Hubert Anton : Trier in the early Middle Ages (= sources and research from the field of history. NF, 9). Paderborn et al. 1987, ISBN 3-506-73259-5 , pp. 87f.
  • Complete Lexicon of Saints, Volume 2. Augsburg 1861, p. 202. Digitized

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predecessor Office successor
Maximianus Bishop of Trier