Fides Romana

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Fides Romana ( German : Treue zu Rom ) was a lay association of Catholic German men that was founded in Cologne in 1946 by Hans Struth . The members campaigned for the Catholic Church and the papacy .


The first statute was drawn up on May 13, 1946, the goals and principles of the association were renewed on November 1, 1950. Its best-known member and deputy head was the former Federal Minister for Family Affairs , Franz-Josef Wuermeling . He presented Pope Pius XII. a collection with over 3000 written declarations of honor by German members. The association became inactive around 1964 and was later continued with the same goals by the "Movement for Pope and Church", which was the editor of the magazine " Der Fels ".


Hans Struth, editor-in-chief of the Catholic magazine " Feuerreiter " and founder, outlined the principles of the association in a circular dated November 8, 1951:

“Fides Romana (FR) as a lay association of Catholic men for the Church and the Pope sees itself as an elite system that wants to bring its clout and its reputation as an impeccable guard of the Pope into the process of social change. Of course, all Catholics must be filled with love and enthusiasm for the head of the Church, and every Catholic Christian must listen to the voice of Peter. The FR, however, provides the spiritually trained and constantly training activists, that small core group of men who commit themselves to special commitment for the Pope's honor and rights, to special services, so that the Pope's word is heard everywhere. "

- Hans Struth

The association included the dissemination and implementation of papal pronouncements in public life.


The association donated a commemorative plaque to the Fulda Cathedral , on the commemoration of the mass there of the then Apostolic Nuncio in Germany and later Pope Pius XII. is remembered.

The Cologne Cathedral windows in the Marienkapelle of Cologne Cathedral are dedicated to the last four Pius Popes. The glass painting, created by Wilhelm Geyer , was donated by Fides Romana in honor of Pope Pius XII. The glass paintings were used for the 1956 Catholic Day, which took place in Cologne.

Web links

  • WUERMELING Des Pope's Guard, in: Der Spiegel 38/1954 [2] , accessed on October 5, 2012
  • Thomas Lindenberger (ed.) Contemporary historical studies: "Mass media in the Cold War - actors, images, resonances" , Böhlau Verlag , Cologne, 2006, ISBN 3-412-23105-3 , page 197/198 [3]

Individual evidence

  1. founder of this movement was in 1969 Walter Hoeres
  2. Catholic media (Catholic press): The "Feuerreiter" founded in 1925 was supposed to contribute with photos and photo reports from the church sector "to the penetration of life and culture with Catholic values". The "Feuerreiter" initially continued its publication after the end of the Second World War, but in 1967 it was merged with the body of the Catholic men's communities "Mann in der Zeit", which was published by the bishops. This resulted in the biweekly magazine "Weltbild", which was discontinued in 2001.
  3. The Valentinus Altar in Fulda Cathedral ( PDF )
  4. Pius Pope Window, 1956 [1]