Characters from the House of Night novels

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The characters in the House of Night novels are the protagonists of the twelve-volume book series from the vampire genre with the main title House of Night by PC Cast and their daughter Kristin Cast .

main character

Zoey Redbird

Zoey is 16 years old, was drawn by a scout (Volume 1) and becomes the youngest high priestess of the goddess Nyx. She was drawn by Nyx as hers, the first true "U-we-tsi a-ge-hu-tsa v-hna-i Sv-no-yi", daughter of the night. In this age she is destined to be the eyes and ears of the Nyx. Zoey's birthday is December 24th, which annoys her as everyone equates her birthday with Christmas. Zoey's family has turned away, her stepfather John Heffer, also known as “steppenner,” is a godly man, and she has been a slave to him since her mother Linda married him three years ago. Her grandma is always there for her and replaces her mother. Zoey has an affinity for all five elements, air, fire, water, earth and spirit. In addition, she is drawn with tattoos again and again from the first to the sixth volume . In the fourth volume she is a witness like Neferet, who turned away from Nyx and has now become an ally with the darkness itself, awakens the immortal Kalona, ​​the former warrior of the Nyx, who was banished from her realm by Nyx himself. Kalona continually haunts Zoey in her dreams, believing her to be A-ya, his former lover, with whose help he was captured by the wise women of the Cherokee . At the end of volume six, she sees Kalona killing her companion Heath. She hurls a bundle of "ghost" at Kalona and then leaves this world because Heath's death breaks her soul. In the seventh part Zoey is with Heath in the Otherworld , but loses himself more and more. When Stark also comes to the Otherworld with the help of a ritual, Heath continues into a new life. Stark begins to fight with Kalona, ​​who has also come. Then Zoey pulls himself together again, later Nyx appears, throws Kalona out and Zoey and Stark can get back into their bodies together (Volume 7). After that, Stark and Zoey stay on the Isle of Skye, where Zoey may become a possible heir to the Vampire Queen, but Jack's death brings her back to Tulsa's House of Night. There Neferet "banished" Kalona from their side because he killed Heath. Zoey and Stark get together.

Students at the House of Night

Aphrodite LaFont

In the beginning, Aphrodite is Zoey's greatest enemy and is often referred to by the twins as the "witch of hell" or "hell bitch". She herself calls the clique around Zoey "nerd clique". To regain Nyx's gift, she nicely joins Zoey's gang and helps them. She has a gift for visions of calamities, which enables her to help Zoey save her grandmother. She'll also revert to human in Volume 3 for helping Zoey regain Stevie Rae's humanity. In Volume 7, Aphrodite is declared the prophetess of Nyx. Aphrodite had, while Stevie Rae was an undead and thus a young red vampire, an affinity for the element earth (volume 3). Volume 5 was influenced by Stevie Rae for a short time, which is how Zoey and her friends learned that Stevie Rae was almost killed by a trap by the still angry red young vampyres who remained in the train station. After Stevie Rae drinks the blood of the raven mocker Rephaim, she dies with him and that of her and Aphrodite is broken. Her sworn warrior is Darius, with whom she has been together since the 4th part. In the 7th part she accompanies Stark to the Isle of Skye . Your big white Persian cat is called Malefiz.

Stevie Rae Johnson

Stevie Rae is Zoey's best friend and has an affinity for earth, but she dies in Volume 2. She returns as a young red vampire and Zoey helps her not to lose her humanity. Stevie Rae becomes the first red vampire. She starts something with Dallas, another young red vampire, he becomes her unofficial friend. In the 6th volume she finds Rephaim, a raven mocker and the favorite son of Kalona, ​​the fallen immortal warrior of Nyx. She saves his life and sends him through a tunnel in the monastery to the tunnels under the train station, where the evil red vampires force him to help them kill Stevie Rae. After the red vampires trap her, Rephaim saves her before she is burned by the sunlight. Then she drinks his blood to stay alive and an imprint is created. In volume 7, Stevie Rae calls the white bull who embodies the darkness without being aware of it. When the bull has done its job, it attacks Stevie Rae, who desperately calls Rephaim for help, who saves her and in her place pays part of the price. Stevie Rae then calls the black bull, who embodies the light, to defeat the white bull at all costs, which he does. Rephaim later discovers Stevie Rae when she is about to sleep with Dallas. Dallas turns bad when he learns about Stevie Rae and Rephaim. The two begin to admit that they have fallen in love. In Volume 8, she involuntarily reveals her relationship with Rephaim to the public. Stevie Rae loves her mom as much as country music and everything related to it.

Erin Bates & Shaunee Cole

Erin and Shaunee are “ twins ” despite their different looks and origins, the two are like real twins. They always agree and love shopping. Both are very fashion conscious and always know about the latest gossip. Erin has an affinity for the element water and Shaunee for the element fire (Volume 2). They accompany Zoey during all parts and are true friends for her and of Stevie Rae. In the 7th part, however, they cannot go to the Isle of Skye. Your cat is Beelzebub. In the novel Certainly , however, there is a rupture between the twins as Shaunee feels sorry for Rephaim, which Erin cannot understand. In Lost , Erin then joins Neferet's gang by meeting with Dallas. In part 11 Erin decides to follow the light again and apologizes to Shaunee, but shortly afterwards she does not survive the change and dies.

Damien Maslin

Damien is a real friend, he's gay, and he meets Jack in Volume 2. He is very intelligent, often helps Zoey and has an affinity for air, which he gets in Volume 2. It is also known as the "Walking Lexicon". He keeps using strange names for something, which is why his friends keep asking what that means, and his favorite word is "deplorable". His parents don't blame him for being made a young vampire, but they do blame him for being gay. Zoey and her friends don't mind. When his friend Jack Twist dies in Volume 8, he is devastated. His cat is Cameron.

Jack twist

Jack comes to the House of Night and is also gay, he gets together with Damien (Volume 2). In volume 8 he is overthrown from a ladder by Neferet with the darkness and killed in a claymore (which almost severed his neck). Jack also has a kind of affinity for the magic of modernity, technology.

James Stark

Stark comes to the House of Night and dies, but Zoey has a strong connection to him. He deletes his first name James, so that everyone calls him only "Stark". Before he dies, he tells her that he has the gift of not being able to miss his target when he shoots a bow and arrow . When he returns as a young red vampire, he shoots at Neferet's orders at Stevie Rae, who survives the shot (Volume 5). Stark later also turns into a red vampire after Zoey accepts him as a warrior and later also becomes her guardian. The two begin to love each other. In Volume 7, Stark follows Zoey into the Otherworld to bring her shattered soul back into her body. There he convinces Heath that it would be best for Zoey if he moved on and left her behind, as she would never leave the Otherworld without him. The two return to the real world. When Stark and Zoey return to the normal world, the two begin a relationship. It seems like Zoey and Stark will stay together forever.


Is a young red vampire who lives in the tunnels with the others. She is named the new master poet by Zoey in Volume 5, in her room there are poems written on the walls about Kalona. The poems are something of a prophecy , but friends always have to unravel them first.

Shaylin Ruede

Shaylin Ruede was the first girl Erik had ever drawn (in volume 9). She lost her sight when she was five years old. When Erik drew it it got a red instead of a blue mark. Besides, she could see again. Shaylin received a special gift from Nyx that has not appeared in many years. The gift that bears the name "The True Eye" allows the recipient to see colors around a person and to know the meaning of this. Some people, like Zoey and Erik, thought she was weird. They later found out that she is actually quite nice and also has an affinity for water.

Teacher at the House of Night


Neferet is the high priestess and principal of the House of Night. She received two gifts from Nyx: her main affinity is a connection to cats which is extraordinary even for vampires, her second affinity is the healing power. In the beginning she is very motherly and always nice. In the third volume, however, it turns out that Neferet is very evil and is responsible for the undead young red vampyre or vampyre (volume 3). She is also the lover of Kalona (Volume 5) - a fallen angel. Together they want to wage war against the people. She describes herself as the embodiment of the goddess Nyx. She has allied herself with the darkness and calls herself the Queen of the Tsi Sgili, evil witches (from the Cherokee tribe) who feed on death and kill with the spirit alone. She rules the darkness so that she can command tentacles , which can also kill a creature. In order to be able to regain the favor of the vampyrs, she asks Zoey publicly to forgive her. Neferet lets the white bull create a vessel over which she has complete control. For this she had to pay a sacrifice, a human soul, the more connected it is to the earth, the stronger the vessel becomes. A special feature are their green almond-shaped eyes and their pronounced beauty.

Erik Night

Erik is Aphrodite's friend before Zoey comes to the House of Night. However, he falls in love with Zoey and they become a couple (Volume 1). However, when Erik Zoey catches sleeping with Professor Blake (Volume 3), he ends the relationship. After the surprising transformation into the vampire Zoey's teacher in acting, since the teacher Professor Nolan has been murdered and there is a lack of teachers. The two reconcile and become a couple again (Volume 5). But since it bothers Zoey that he wants to order her around, she finally breaks up. In Volume 8, however, they understand that they can never be more than friends. Erik wants to move to LA in Volume 8 to advance his acting career, but he can't because he becomes a scout. In the 9th volume he draws his first person, but on whose forehead a red crescent moon appears instead of a blue one. Her name is Shaylin Ruede and she was given the True Eye by Nyx. At the end of Volume 12, he meets Shaunee Cole and becomes a "better" person who finally gives up his Hollywood dreams.

Loren Blake

Zoey has an affair with Loren Blake (Volume 3), he is a master poet of the vampires and teacher in the House of Night. He is later cruelly killed by Neferet because he was against her plans and wanted her and Zoey both at the same time. Loren and Zoey have an imprint before he is killed.

Dragon Lankford

Dragon is the sword master at the Tulsa House of Night and was married to Professor Anastasia, who is killed by Rephaim (Volume 5). When Rephaim offers him his services, he does not accept the offer, as he cannot forgive him for the death of his wife (volume 8). There is also a book by him. It's about his entire life, his oath and his great love for Anastasia . In the end he dies because he throws himself in front of Neferet's vessel Aurox (volume 9) and thus prevents this Rephaim from killing.

Lenobia Whitehall

Lenobia is the professor of horses and equestrian art in the House of Night, also has an affinity for horses and helps Zoey to escape from the House of Night (Volume 5). While Zoey flies to the Council of Vampyres, she lets her connections play, so that they can be there quickly to thwart Kalona and Neferet's plan (Volume 6). In Volume 7, she and Erik Night pick up the wounded Stevie Rae from the train station after she was exposed to the sun.

Professor Nolan

Prof Nolan was the acting teacher at the House of Night. She fell victim to Neferet's sinister machinations. She murdered her and severed her head so it doesn't look like the House of Night vampires were responsible for the numerous murders in Tulsa (Volume 3).

Secondary characters


Shekinah is the most powerful high priestess. She is the high priestess of all vampyres and on the council of vampyres. Shekinah spontaneously visits the House of Night in the 4th volume and is killed during a cleansing ritual with a wave of the hand by Neferet, also in the 4th part.


Darius is a son of Erebos, the protector of Nyx, and only appears in the 3rd volume. He is supposed to protect the young vampires from the people who allegedly killed Loren Blake and Professor Nolan. In volume 4 he is the only one of the sons of Erebos to recognize that Kalona is not Erebos and flees with Zoey and her clique. In volume 6 he becomes the warrior of Aphrodite, whom he loves. Together with Aphrodite, he accompanies Zoey's mindless body and Stark to the Isle of Skye. Darius himself can also be called wise. He is also a trained " medicine man " and can help Zoey and her friends in volumes 4 and 5 when Stevie Rae is injured by an arrow. His cat is Nefertiti.


Dallas is a young red vampire and was dating Stevie Rae but when he found out that Stevie Rae had fallen in love with the raven mocker Rephaim, he went to darkness. He has an affinity for electricity , which he then uses to attack Stevie Rae and Rephaim. Then he joins the other bad red (young) vampyres and starts a relationship with Nicole, the leader of the red (young) vampyres. In book 7, Dallas almost sleeps with Stevie Rae in a tunnel, where he asks her to drink from him, Stevie Rae just skips it. In the 11th volume he tries to murder Stevie Rae, because in his opinion she is to blame for Erin's death. This attempt fails and he escapes the House of Night, but is tracked down and brought back by Stark and Kalona. Thanatos takes him before a court martial, in which Dallas and the last two of his followers who are still loyal to him (Kurtis and Elliot) are found guilty and sentenced to death. Dallas is immediately beheaded with a sword by Kalona.


Rephaim is the firstborn son of Kalona. He is rescued by Stevie Rae after Darius shoots him from the sky, and later also has an imprint with her (Volume 6). He develops feelings for her and saves her from the trap of the red vampyres and from the white bull, who embodies the darkness. Several times in Volume 7 he says that she belongs to him. He sees his reflection in the water and recognizes in it what he would have looked like as a real person (Volume 7). In Volume 8, when his father gives him the free choice between himself and Nyx, Rephaim finally decides to follow the light. Kalona then explains that Rephaim is no longer his son, whereupon Nyx allows him to look human during the night (the day for vampyrs). As a punishment for his past deeds, however, he will turn into a raven again and again during the day.


The high council of the vampires

The Vampyre High Council consists of six members. The most important of them are: Shekinah, the high priestess of all young vampires and vampires, who is killed in part 4 by Neferet; Duantia, the eldest, and Thanatos, who has an affinity for death and helps Zoey's friends and especially Aphrodite in the 7th part, to save Zoey. Duantia is elected the new high priestess of all vampyres after Shekinah's death by the other members of the high council.


Heath Luck

Heath has been Zoey's human friend since 3rd grade. Heath tries to get her out of the House of Night first, but she can't. She drinks his blood and an imprint is created (volume 1). Zoey tries in vain to resist the blood and Heath, but with the help of her imprint she can save the kidnapped Heath (Volume 2). Since Zoey sleeps with her teacher and apparent lover Loren Blake, the imprint breaks, and shortly thereafter Zoey meets Heath again in Volume 4, and he tells her he never wants to see her again and disappears briefly. Because of his still existing love for Zoey, he forgives her and is part of her life again. When he overhears a conversation between Kalona and Neferet in the 6th volume on a trip that Zoey and her friends are also on, he is discovered and killed by Kalona. Shortly before his death, he calls Zoey to him with the help of the ribbon, which is why she has to watch his death and her soul splintered with pain. The dead Heath arrives in Nyx's Otherworld, where he meets Zoey's shattered soul again. Eventually he leaves Zoey to be reborn. When he was in Nyx's realm for some time, Nyx confronted him with a decision. From the three possible answers he decides to go as a soul into the vessel created by the white bull, which serves Neferet and bears the name Aurox.

Sylvia Redbird

Sylvia is Zoey's grandmother, and Sylvia is always there for her granddaughter in difficult situations. She lives on a lavender farm and is of Cherokee descent . She often protects Zoey from her stepfather and Zoey's mother, who is very different from Zoey and Sylvia since the relationship with Zoey's stepfather. Sylvia inexplicably knows in advance when someone wants to visit her. In the 5th, 6th And 7th part she is with the nuns in the Benedictine monastery, because she had a car accident, caused by a raven mockers.

John Heffer

John Heffer is Linda Heffer's husband and church elder. However, he only married her to keep up the beautiful appearance of the family man. Years after marriage, Linda catches John cheating on her with a community secretary. Zoey always calls him "step-bum" and doesn't like him at all. It is said that he looks like a normal man in his early 50s.

Linda Heffer

Linda Heffer, née Redbird, is the wife of John Heffer and Zoey's mother. Years after getting married, she notices that her husband is cheating on her with a community secretary. She immediately withdraws all the money from his accounts and escapes to her mother's house in the middle of the night. Once there, she is killed by the white bull on orders from Neferet. Neferet makes a vessel from this sacrifice, but it is not perfect because Grandma Redbird was actually better suited and planned due to her strong connection to earth.



Based on Nyx , the ancient goddess of the night, the goddess of vampires and young vampires has her own realm, which is also called the other world . There is, so to speak, the paradise of the vampires. She appears to Zoey a few times. Kalona was once her warrior until he wanted Nyx to himself (her mate is Erebos) and is then banished from the Otherworld. Nyx gives every vampire free choice, so she never intervenes when the darkness harms people or vampyres or kills them. Except for the 7th part, there she orders Kalona (Zoey ordered him to pay the life debt for killing Heath) to bring Stark back to life by giving him some of his immortality.


Kalona, ​​an immortal with onyx-colored wings, was once the warrior of Nyx. But he's only a demigod. He loved her too much and couldn't bear that Erebos was Nyx's husband instead of him, so he tried to kill him. Thereupon Nyx banished his body from her otherworld and he fell to earth. There he raped the women of the Cherokee tribe from which Zoey is descended. So that the men didn't disturb him, he enslaved them. From this emerged the raven mockers, evil creatures, birds with human arms, legs and eyes. One day the Ghigua women decided to create a beautiful girl that Kalona could not resist and thus enable them to catch him. They made a body out of clay, the best painter painted a face on her, and her legs became nimble. As soon as she finished, the women breathed life into her and called her A-ya (me). When Kalona saw her, he ran after her, but couldn't get her. When A-ya lured him into a cave where he normally doesn't go (earth weakens him), she hugged him and her life came out of her, so that Kalona was captured by her hug. In Volume 4, Neferet awakens Kalona. He invades Zoey's dreams again and again because he loves her, because A-ya is part of Zoey. In the 6th volume he gives her an insight into his past and shows her why he was banished from the realm of the goddess Nyx. Later, Kalona's soul is also banished from Nyx's realm. In the 8th volume, he gives his favorite son Rephaim the choice between darkness and light, which he does for the first time. He also "plays" Neferet's companion, actually he's only with her because she is so powerful. He also realizes that there is a connection between himself and Stark. In this way he can take control of Stark's body at certain moments. In volume nine, where Rephaim was dying, Kalona apologized to him in the hope that he would wake up. When Rephaim wakes up, Kalona decided to compete as a warrior from the House of Night. Kalona dies in the 12th volume because he finally decides in favor of light and saves people from Neferet, who kills him with magical pistol shots, enchanted by the darkness. Nyx forgives him and he learns the truth about his case and now lives in the Otherworld as Nyx's husband. Nyx always loved Kalona.


Erebos, named after the Greek god Erebos , is Nyx's companion and Kalona's brother. The warriors of the Vampyre refer to themselves as sons of Erebos, which is due to the fact that they see their abilities as given by him. In contrast to his brother, who embodies darkness and was created when “the sky kissed the moon”, Erebo's wings are golden; it was created when "the sky kissed the sun" and forms the shining counterpart to Kalona. He does not appear personally in volumes 1 to 9, but is mainly mentioned positively. In volume 10 he shows himself in conversation with Kalona for the first time and, contrary to the image he has spread, acts against Nyx's wishes by trying to induce Kalona to break his oath again and betray the House of Night.

The white bull

Contrary to its color, the white bull is not a “good” bull. He is the highest creature of darkness that can be on earth. Its fur is white, but it has a slimy shimmer and the glittering surface looks cold and dead. Just like its counterpart, the black bull, it demands a sacrifice for each of its services. Stevie Rae and Neferet both asked about his services - Stevie Rae unintentionally, Neferet intended.

The black bull

Contrary to its color, the black bull is not a "bad" bull. He is the highest creature of light that can be on earth. Its fur is black, but it is not an inky blackness. Its fur is the color of a midnight sky with the glitter of diamond stars. Stevie Rae calls him for help when she realizes that the white bull is vicious and has to make a sacrifice for him too.


Cats are allowed to roam freely in the House of Night and are the closest allies of the vampyrs. Cats used to be hunted and killed because people thought that they somehow turned people into vampyres. They are afraid of horses and the raven mockers. A cat always chooses its owner, a vampire itself.

  • Zoey
    • Nala , who, as Zoey says, could have been an old woman because she always complains to her. Zoey thinks that Nala can always sum up her life situation perfectly. Nala also fights ghosts.
  • Erin & Shaunee
    • Beelzebub this cat is always causing chaos. He's a gray cat.
  • Neferet
    • Skylar is very moody and only allows a few (young) vampires to get close to him.
  • Damien
    • Cameron in the first volume is called "Cammy" by Stevie Rae.
  • Loren Blake
    • Wolverine
  • Darius
    • Nefertiti is among those cats who wait in Zoey's room while they're under the depot, as well as:
  • Dragon
    • Shadow fax
  • Anastasia
    • Guinevere
  • Aphrodites
    • Maleficent found Aphrodite at the Street Cats shelter . According to Zoey, she is particularly ugly and arrogant.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dragons oath