Figures from the Septimus Heap novels

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This article describes the characters from the fantasy series Septimus Heap .

The heaps

The heaps represent the main characters in the series. Although the main strand of the story deals with Septimus and Jenna, almost all of the heaps get major appearances.

Silas and Sarah Heap

Silas heap

Silas is the seventh son of Benjamin Heap and the father of Septimus. Married to Sarah Heap, he is an ordinary wizard with green eyes and blond curly hair. He usually wears the blue robe of an ordinary wizard. Silas had previously been an apprentice to the Extraordinary Magician Alther Mella, but resigned his position due to time problems, because he wanted to take care of his family and because of sheer incapacity to Marcia Overstrand. He loves his family and castle chess, which he plays with the gatekeeper, Gringe. However, this hobby makes him forget important things, whereby he freed the mind of Queen Etheldredda in Physic . He often goes into the forest to look for his father Benjamin Heap. He also saved the life of the Wendron witch Morwenna Mold on one of his walks in the woods.

Sarah Heap

Sarah is the mother of Septimus and married to Silas Heap. She has the green eyes and blonde hair, like almost all Heaps. She learned the art of naturopathy and potion brewing from the herbalist Galen. She has also mastered basic magic, especially white magic. She loves all children beyond measure and cannot bear it when calamity threatens them or is abandoned by them. After Jenna moves into the castle with her adoptive parents, Sarah is the one who mainly takes care of the almost extinct castle. She loves Ethel , the duck rescued by Jenna, and puts herself in great danger trying to save her from the dark veil. She later moves back to the small room in the anwanden with her husband.

Simon Heap

Simon is the eldest son of Silas and Sarah Heap. He is a talented magician and his greatest dream is to become an apprentice and later an extraordinary magician himself. When his dreams are destroyed, since Septimus becomes an apprentice, he leaves his family and tries to achieve his goals in the band Flyte with the help of the undead DomDaniel and black magic. He kidnaps Jenna, tries to kill Marcia and almost destroys the dragon boat. He is also Merrin's brief tutor. Later he realizes his mistakes and turns his back on black magic. He lives with Lucy Gringe, whom he adores, in the wastelands, but later moves to Port with her after he has given up black magic. With his help, Marcia and Septimus can dissolve the dark veil created by Merrin over the whole castle and Septimus forgives his eldest brother for his terrible deeds.

Sam, Jo-Jo, Edd and Erik Heap

Sam, Jo-Jo, Edd and Erik are the sons two to five of Silas and Sarah. After the Heap family escaped from the castle into the forest, they stayed there and became real forest dwellers. They associate with the Wendron witches and help Septimus and Jenna with their knowledge of the forest. Sam is a passionate fisherman and showed Septimus the way to Foryxhaus in "Queste". Jo-Jo is in love with the Wendron witch Marissa. Erik and Edd are twins.

Nicko Heap

He is the sixth son of the Heap family. He too has green eyes and blond, curly hair. Although he also knows magic, he is much more interested in boat building. He is an apprentice to the boat builder Jannit Maarten and shares his love for boats and sailing with Snorri, with whom he has a special friendship. He always stands by Septimus and Jenna and supports them in their adventures. He gets lost in the time because he doesn't want to leave Snorri, and the two have to wait a long time in the Foryx House for rescue.

Septimus heap

Septimus is the seventh son of Silas Heap and the main character of the novel series. He too has green eyes and blond curly hair. Since DomDaniel wanted to seize his special magical capacities, which he possesses as the seventh son of a seventh son, his early death was faked. Due to a mix-up, however, he does not end up with DomDaniel, but with the Young Army, in which he served as boy 412 for the first ten years of his life. His best friend at the time was boy 409. However, when he fell overboard during a junior army exercise, his life with the junior army got worse. Years later, Septimus found boy 409 named Wolf Boy in the Heaps camp. Marcia freed Septimus from the young army, she discovered his magical powers and took him on as an apprentice. The guardian Zelda Heap soon reveals his true origin. His pet is the fire-breathing dragon. He owns the Ring of Hotep-Ra and is the captain of the dragon boat. In addition, just like Jenna, he is 10 years old at the time of the first part and his birthday is on the same day as Jenna.

Jenna Heap

Jenna is the biological daughter of Queen Cerys and Milo Banda and, like Septimus, is 10 years old in the first part. However, as the Queen and Alther Mella, who saves them with a spell and Marcia's help, are shot on her birthday, Marcia takes her to the Heaps in hiding, where she takes Septimus' place. She has purple eyes and brown hair and wears the red and gold princess clothes and a diadem. She always sees the Heaps as her true family and supports Septimus on his adventures. She has a good heart, but is often very stubborn and stubborn. She herself has very limited magical power. As a princess, she also has a close bond with the dragon boat. She is also the navigator of Feuerspei.

Zelda Zanuba Heap

Zelda Heap is Silas Heap's aunt, but everyone calls her Aunt Zelda. She looks like a big patch tent, has gray hair and blue eyes. As a guardian, she protects the dragon boat that is hidden in the Marram Marshes on Draggen Island. She is a powerful white witch. So she defeats the hunter in Magyk and saves the dragon boat with a conjured cloud. Due to the different understanding of magic, however, there is friction with Marcia. General is very warm-hearted. So she tended to Merrin and Wolf Cub and helped Septimus and Jenna revive the dragon boat. She also reveals the true identity of boy 412. She has a boggart and duck-shaped cat as pets and cannot cook.

Benjamin and Theo Heap

Benjamin is the grandfather of the Heap family, Theo is the great-uncle.

Benjamin Heap is the father of Silas. He is a shapeshifter and lives as a tree in the castle forest. In Flyte he saves Nicko and Septimus from a pack of Wolverines. He also protected Septimus during his time with the young army during the exercises in the forest.

Theo Heap is the brother of Zelda and Benjamin. He is also a shape shifter and lives as a storm petrel. After every storm, Zelda waits to see whether her brother has not been driven to her. It is not clear whether this will happen in Magyk .

Other important characters

The following people play a central role in the story, even if they do not belong to the Heap family.

Marcia Overstrand

Marcia is the reigning Extraordinary Sorceress and probably the most powerful sorceress of her time. She was an apprentice at Alther Mella and took over the office from him. She is tall with long, dark, curly hair and deep green eyes. She always wears purple python shoes, a purple cloak and the Akhenaten amulet as a sign of her status. Your appearance is very dominant. It often seems almost terrifying and always knows how to assert itself. Sometimes she also reacts capriciously and offends everyone. Even Feuerspei is afraid of her because she behaves like a mother dragon. In addition, she does not think much of alchemy and therefore of Marcellus Pye and disapproves of Septimus' visits to him. Still, her heart is in the right place. So she worries a lot for Septimus and Jenna and helps Sally Mullin with her lucky charm. It was she who brought Jenna to safety after the attack. She defeated DomDaniel on his return, destroyed Etheldredda for good and saved Septimus from the foryx house. Later, with her great magical abilities, she and Septimus save the castle from the dark field conjured up by Merrin Meredith.

Alther Mella

Former Extraordinary Magician and Teacher Marcias. He was an apprentice to DomDaniel. When he tried to kill him, he stole the Akhenaten amulet and became an extraordinary magician himself. He died in an attempted assassination attempt by DomDaniel, but was still able to protect Princess Jenna. As a ghost, he helps Marcia and Septimus in their duties. He wears the purple clothes of an Extraordinary Wizard, has white hair and a blood stain on his chest. As an Extraordinary Wizard, he also attended the Quest meeting and gave Septimus important advice. A year later he is accidentally banished to the dark halls by Marcia, but is saved by Septimus. He had romantic feelings for Alice Nettles, with whose ghost he is often seen. He also loves to fly and has a sense of humor.


As a Black Magician and a former Extraordinary Magician, he is the show's villain. His greatest wish is to return to the wizard's tower and restore his power. He is a tall man in a black robe and top hat. DomDaniel is generally described as power hungry and unscrupulous. After he tried to eliminate his apprentice Alther Mella with dark magic, he stole the Akhenaten amulet and he fell from the wizard's tower. Because of his magic ring he was immortal, returned and took the amulet from Marcia Overstrand. But then he was defeated by the dragon boat and his power was lost. But Simon Heap found his bones and so he tried to kill Marcia with a placement, but this black magic trick was able to fend off. Later, Merrin stole his ring and fire breath ate his bones, making it disappear for good.

Merrin Meredith

Merrin is the son of a wet nurse, but was mistaken for Septimus Heap shortly after his birth. So he came to DomDaniel as an apprentice, although he was unable to meet his expectations. So he became an unhappy boy with a penchant for black magic. It was consumed by DomDaniel but saved by Aunt Zelda. As a "thank you" he fled with Simon Heap, whom he also left after his change for the better, to kill Septimus Heap. To this end, he allied himself with Tertius Fume, whose quest plan failed. He later returns to the castle and secretly nests in the palace. Through the power of the double-faced ring that once belonged to DomDaniel, he manages to draw a dark veil over the entire castle. His plan to destroy them completely can be prevented by Septimus and Marcia.

Snorri Snorrelssen

Snorri is a young north trader. As the daughter of Olaf and Alfrun Snorrelssen, she takes over the job of her deceased father and, despite the ban, sails alone across the sea to Burg. She is blond, strongly built, has blue eyes and looks mysterious. She is also a ghost seer and has a ghost cat Ullr, which turns into a panther at night. She loves sailing and made great friends with Nicko Heap. She helped defeat Etheldredda by having her father fight Etheldredda. She also followed Nicko into the past to free Septimus. She is later rescued from the foryx house by him. However, she leaves the castle again and returns with her mother and the spirit of her father to her homeland, the northern lands.

O. Beetle Beetle

Beetle Beetle is Septimus' best friend and examiner in the manuscript. He accompanies Septimus on his adventures, is popular with everyone and enjoys the rare trust of Marcia Overstrand. He loves sledding in the ice tunnels and Princess Jenna, in whose presence he can't get a sentence out. In Physic , he was infected by the plague, but saved by Septimus. In "Queste" he is dismissed by his superior Jillie Djinn for various minor violations of the rules (in which Marcia and Septimus also have their part), whereupon he accompanies Jenna and Septimus to the Foryx House. After his return he starts to work in a shop for translations of dead languages, but is again wrongly dismissed, but promptly becomes the new chief magician after the death of Jillie Djinn.


Stanley is an ex-messenger rat and a former rat secret service employee. He was sent to Silas in the marshes in Magyk by Sarah Heap. This pulled him into the adventure. So he escorted Jenna to Port in Flyte and shadowed Merrin in Queste . However, through his ventures he lost his wife Dawnie, who left him. He also has fatherly feelings for four little rat pups whom he found one day, raises them and with them rebuilds the castle's messenger rat service.

Queen Etheldredda

Etheldredda was queen 500 years before Septimus' time. She was particularly cruel and sought eternal dominion. So she killed her own daughters to get her throne. She also drank her son Marcellus Pye's unfinished elixir of immortality. Shortly afterwards she fell into the river and drowned while trying to kill Jenna. Due to the elixir, however, she became a material spirit and, after being liberated by Silas Heap, tried to kill Jenna and brought Septimus into the power of Marcellus. She is defeated by Marcia Overstrand at the end of Physic .

Marcellus Pye

Etheldredda's son Marcellus is one of the most important alchemists. He lived in the castle five hundred years before Septimus. Since he makes himself immortal with a self-brewed potion, he also lives in the time of Septimus. In Physic he catches Septimus and sends him back to his young self through his self-constructed time mirror, since only the seventh son of a seventh son can combine the immortality potion with eternal youth. In the past he taught Septimus the art of alchemy and protected his sister Esmeralda from Etehldredda. When Etehldredda thwarts his plans, he sends Septimus back to his time, where he brews the potion for him. In the time of Septimus he lived withdrawn because the world had become alien to him. He helps Jenna and Septimus find the foryx house with an old map.

Syrah Syara

500 years before Septimus' time, Syrah Syara was an apprentice of the then extraordinary magician Julius Pike. After seven years of apprenticeship, she pulled the dreaded quest stone, but managed to escape and finally landed on the Sirens, a group of islands in the middle of the sea. There she was seized by a mysterious power. The girl became obsessed with the siren, a strange ghost. So she did not age and no longer had any sense of time. At the end of Syren, she is saved by Septimus and brought back to the castle.

Supporting characters

Milo Banda
Jenna's real father. He appears in Flyte and then goes straight back to sea. He filled the plundered palace with new exotic treasures.
Una Brakket
Housekeeper of Professor Weasal van Klampff. She and Simon Heap smuggled DomDaniel's bones into Marcia's room.
Boris Catchpole
Formerly auxiliary hunter in the young army and superior of Septimus. Today as a sub-magician door guard of Marcia and an eager girl for everything.
Princess and daughter of Etheldredda and sister of Marcellus. When her mother kills her sisters, she escapes to the keeper's hut with the help of Marcellus. She looks extremely similar to Jenna, so everyone confuses her.
Jillie Djinn
Jillie Djinn is the small and headstrong head magic writer. She has a habit of calculating every little thing precisely - for example the average delay of her customers - and is therefore not very popular with the clerks or Marcia. She unfairly dismisses the Beetle working in the manuscript and hires Merrin Meredith, who wraps her completely around her finger. She succumbs to the black magic dark veil, already weakened by the occupation by a ghost, whereupon Beetle takes her successor.
Tertius Fume
The first chief secret scribe. He was Hotep-Ra’s best friend until he betrayed him. After his exile, he manipulated the quest. As a ghost he helps - as a formerly great black magician - Merrin in the attempt to kill Septimus. He guards the Hermetic Chamber and appears to be misogynistic.
Ephaniah Grebe
The restorer of the manuscript. After a collision with black magic books, he is half rat, half human. As a result of this accident he can no longer speak, which is why he communicates with written cards. He helps Jenna in Queste , where he is also occupied by a ghost.
Gringe the gatekeeper
Guard at the north gate. He hates Simon Heap, but overcomes his general aversion to the Heaps through a passion for playing castle chess with Silas.
Lucy Gringe
Gringe's daughter. She is in love with Simon Heap and fled the wastelands with him because a marriage was not approved.
Rupert Gringe
Gringe's son. To avoid having to join the Young Army, Gringe apprenticed Rupert to Jannit Maarten. He's a very good boat builder and hates Simon Heap.
The first extraordinary magician. He built the wizard's tower and started the quest. He owns the dragon boat. Now he lives in the foryx house he created.
The hunter
His real name is actually Gerald. As the chief of the young army, it was his job in Magyk to catch and kill Marcia and Jenna. He failed when he was overwhelmed by Zelda Heap. This changed his memory, so he spent the rest of his life as a clown in Port.
Jannit Maarten
The boat builder of the castle. Jannit is a hard working woman who enjoys her job. Her apprentice is Rupert Gringe and her apprentice is Nicko Heap. She is very efficient and even manages to repair the dragon boat.
Morwenna Mold
The witch mother of the Wendron witches. Since she was rescued by Silas Heap of Wolverines, the witches no longer attacked the castle residents under her leadership. However, she breaks the promise she made to Silas when she wanted to make Jenna a wendron witch.
Sally Mullin
Sarah's friend and owner of Sally Mullin's tea and beer bar. She lost her tavern while trying to cover an escape attempt by Jenna.
Alice Nettles
Born Katie Pot. Alice was a warehouse manager in Port and had a romantic relationship with Alther Mella. Much like Alther, Alice died trying to save Jenna by throwing herself into a bullet intended for Jenna.
Billy Pot
royal lawnmower. He kept hundreds of lizards to mow the royal lawn with them and a self-made machine. Later he becomes the dragon keeper of Feuerspei.
Olaf Snorrelssen
The father of Snorri Snorrelssen. He lives as a ghost in the castle and decides never to appear to anyone. In Physic , called on by Snorri, he unwillingly prevents Jenna's death by defeating Etehldredda in a scuffle.
Professor Weasal van Klampff
Forgetful mathematician who is supposed to create the shadow catcher for Marcia. Is betrayed by Una Brakket and falls from grace. Marcellus Pye moves into his house.
Wolf cub
As a boy 409 friend of Septimus in the young army. It got lost during an exercise, but got by and went wild. He is a very good tracker and lived for a long time with Aunt Zelda, whose successor he may be. It later emerges that his real name is Mandy Marwick and that he has two triplet brothers named Matthew and Marcus .
The Boggart is a creature of the marshes and a kind of pet of Zelda. He lives in mud holes on Draggeninsel. He is very knowledgeable about the marshes and leads people to Aunt Zelda. He was badly wounded in Magyk by Merrin.
Dragon boat
The dragon boat was formerly the dragon of Hotep-Ra. To save him as he escaped across the sea, it was turned into a boat. Then it waited in a temple under the Draggeninsel to be used again. The princesses and queens visit the dragon boat every midsummer and can talk to it. With Septimus as the new captain, it destroyed DomDaniel's ship and later moved to the castle. There it was badly damaged by Simon Heap.
Fire breath
Septimus dragon. It slipped from a stone Jenna had found that Septimus had accidentally hatched. It is imprinted on Septimus, Jenna is its navigator. As a young dragon he is very moody and reacts uncontrollably. On the way from the Foryx House to the castle, he is struck by lightning, falls on the island of the Siren and becomes infected with a disease called Stinking Black Rot, but can be cured by Syrah Syara. He is always loyal to Septimus when he calls him, and even fights with a dark dragon created by Merrin Meredith, making him grown up and a little calmer.
Actually Maximillian. He's the Heaps' dog and doesn't get along with the Boggart.
Jenna's armored beetle
Jenna's armored beetle fights at Jenna's side. After DomDaniel was beaten, the armored beetle went to the circus, where he chases an innocent clown through the ring every evening.
The siren
The siren is a strange spirit that lives on the sirens. Syrah Syara has been possessed by this terrible spirit for 500 years. She is an ally of Tertius Fumes, but is defeated by Septimus.
Julius Pike
Julius Pike was the extraordinary magician in Queen Etheldredda's time. Both of his apprentices, one of whom was Syrah Syara, drew a quest stone so that he later died sadly.
Hildegard is a sub-sorceress and works in the magic tower. She is very friendly and happy to help Jenna and Septimus. However, once she is inhabited by a ghost and unwittingly gives Septimus the dreaded quest stone.
Sir Hereward
Sir Hereward is the spirit of a knight who lived in the castle hundreds of years ago. His armor is dented and he is missing a whole arm. He always guards Jenna's princess chambers and fights enemies as best as his ghost can. He also cheers Jenna with repetitive jokes and joke questions.
The Porter Witches Coven
Consists of five evil black witches with headquarters in Port. They held Lucy Gringe and Wolf Boy prisoner and tried unsuccessfully to introduce the princess to the circle.
An apprentice in the wizard's tower. In Fyre, feelings on her part for Septimus are indicated, which the latter seems to reciprocate.


  1. ↑ Figure map from Silas Heap  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  2. ↑ Figure map by Simon Heap  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  3. ↑ Figure map by Nicko Heap  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  4. ↑ Figure map from Septimus Heap  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  5. ↑ Figure map by Jeanna Heap  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  6. Aunt Zelda's figure card  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  7. ↑ Figure map by Marcia Overstrand  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  8. ↑ Figure map by Alther Mella  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  9. ↑ Figure map by Merrin Meredith  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  10. Figure map by Snorri Snorrelssen  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  11. ↑ Figure map from Beetle  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  12. ↑ Figure map from Stanley  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  13. ↑ Figure map from Etheldredda  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  14. ↑ Figure map by Marcellus Pye  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  15. ↑ Figure map of Wolfsjunge  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  16. Figure map of the Boggarts  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  17. ↑ Figure map of Feuerspei  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  

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