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Flyte is the second book in the fantasy series Septimus Heap by Angie Sage . The book was published in March 2006 in the USA and in August 2006 in Germany.

Brief description

“Septimus Heap's adventure continues: DomDaniel, the power-obsessed magician, has returned and threatens the peace over the castle more than ever before. Septimus' eldest brother Simon envies his brother the training with the extraordinary sorceress Marcia Overstrand and soon becomes the tool of DomDaniel. The black ruler is still a skeleton barely capable of acting, but he is pursuing a treacherous plan: Simon should regain control of the castle for him. Will Septimus be able to prevent that? "

- Brief description on

In the second Septimus heap volume, Septimus' brother Simon kidnaps Princess Jenna in revenge because it is not he but his brother who are being trained by Marcia. Simon revived DomDaniel as a skeleton and dedicated himself to black magic. With the help of his brother Nicko and a friend from the Young Army named Wolf Boy, Septimus finds Jenna in Port. On the way back to the castle, they fight off Simon Heap's attacks together. From Aunt Zelda's hut they use the dragon boat, which is badly damaged by Simon, to get into the castle. Simon and DomDaniel also try to kill Marcia with a black conjuration (placement), who can thwart the attempt and defeat DomDaniel again. In addition, Septimus restores the legendary Flying Magic (Flyte), after which the book is named. Septimus also hatches a dragon.

Detailed description of the plot

The second volume, Flyte, begins with a little review in which you see Simon Heap looking for DomDaniel's bones on the great battlefield of the first part, Magyk . He finds her and turns his back on his family out of jealousy towards Septimus, whom he does not recognize as a brother.

In the following chapters a picture of the new environment of the Heap family is drawn. Jenna and Sarah live in the palace with Silas. Septimus as an apprentice in the magician's tower and Nicko at the shipyard, while the other brothers live in the forest.

Simon is now breaking into this idyll. While everyone is still happy about the return of the prodigal son, he kidnaps Jenna on his horse. But apart from Septimus no one believes in a kidnapping, everyone is expecting a little ride.

Since no adult wants to support Septimus in his persecution, Nicko and Septimus travel to their brothers in the forest to seek help. They get lost in the process and are only saved from Wolverines by chance by their grandfather, who is a form changer and now lives as a tree in the forest.

After visiting the brothers, who do not believe them, they ask the Wendron witch Morwenna, who can see into the future. She sends the two of them to Port, accompanied by Wolf Boy, who lives in the forest and is Septimus' former comrade from the Young Army.

Meanwhile, Simon has taken Jenna to his base in the Badlands. During the night, Jenna manages to escape with the help of a chocolate charm that she uses to transform the door of her cell into chocolate. She takes Simon's horse and manages to escape the dangerous landworms. On the run she meets the promoted secret service man Stanley, who leads her to Port.

There the two groups meet and return to a sleazy hotel. However, Simon Jenna has sent the black magic tracking ball sniff, which finds Jenna and marks it. This means that Simon always knows where to find Jenna.

Since a connecting bridge collapsed during Spürnase's visit, the tour group had to flee together through the house of the Porter witch circle. They are almost caught and only escape thanks to Septimus' magic.

They then decide to flee to Aunt Zelda in the nearby Marram Marshes. On the way there she discovers Simon, who has a very potent flight charm and therefore caught up with her quickly. A fight ensues between Simon's flight charm and Septimus' floating charm. Simon is beaten by the wolf cub's engagement in battle.

When they arrive at Aunt Zelda's, the dragon fire breath, which Septimus accidentally hatched, surprisingly hatches. Since Simon threatens the hut, Septimus and Jenna want to transfer the unsecured dragon boat to the castle.

On the voyage there is another fight with Simon, who severely damages the boat. With Aunt Zelda's help, the travelers nevertheless reach the castle, where the dragon boat opens a secret chamber with its dragon magic.

Since Marcia, as Septimus' teacher, demands that he get a book about the dangerous rearing of dragons, Septimus goes into the manuscript. There he and Beetle overhear a blackmailing conversation between chief magic writer Foxy and Simon, who forces him to repair his flight charm. Septimus and Beetle escape through a hatch into the underground ice tunnel.

On their way to the exit, they discover Simon, who also uses the ice tunnels to travel to the castle. They flee and, thanks to Beetle's good knowledge of the tunnels in the wizard's tower, escape.

They are just appearing there as Marcia is installing the last part of a shadow catcher. This shadow trap was designed to capture and remove a shadow chasing Marcia. Now it turns out, however, that Simon's Shadow Catcher was manipulated in such a way that Marcia carried out a placement by DomDaniel instead. He tries to kill Marcia with the help of the shadow and Simons. However, with Septimus' support, she can repel the attack and defeat DomDaniel again.

The story now ends with Septimus 'first flight, Jenna's discovery of the secret queen's chamber, the return of Jenna's father and Simons' realization that Septimus is actually his brother. In addition, Septimus combines his floating charm and Simon's flying charm, which the latter had lost during his attack on the dragon boat, and thus restores the old true flying charm that gives the book its name.

Figures in Flyte

The following people appear in Flyte:


“Unfortunately, the author does not manage to rebuild the tension for a long time, so that the story drags a bit in the middle of the book. Nice successor to "Magyk", but unfortunately the tension falls short. "

- Forum review on with 7/10 points

"For fantasy fans - no matter what age - a real must!"

- Joanna Lenc on from February 2, 2009

“Another thing to criticize is the“ superhero character ”of the good guys. You can find everything, always have the right thing with you, know a good shortcut, meet an ally. Septimus in particular comes into possession of ever stronger spells and helpers, so that with a little practice nothing could actually be dangerous to him. Even if he usually cannot win magic duels, this does not seem convincing, with all that he has in the way of unusual artifacts. As with the first part, there is also criticism of the translation: "Charms" for objects loaded with magic is simply English, not German, and unnecessary - on the other hand, keeping it is at least consistent (but why not just "Talisman"?). "

- Criticism on with 8 out of 10 points

"Angie Sage has managed to create a perfect mix of adventure, magic and humor again."

- Criticism on with 5/5

more reviews see here


The following spells and charms are used in Flyte :

  • Chocolate charm: "Take me, shake me, and I'll make for you: Quetzalcoatl's chocolates."
  • Reversal magic (tormentor): "Annoying tormentor, now leave the crap and forget what you were created for."
  • Invisibility and silence magic: "Unseen, unheard, not a whisper, not a word."
  • Opening spell to Simon's cave: "Opening to you commands, master yours, Nomis"
    • Since this is black magic, the magic is spoken backwards! (Normal: Simon, your master, orders you to open)

Septimus' dragon

A subplot of a special kind is the hatching of a dragon by Septimus. You shouldn't think of it like chicken and egg, but as follows:

Jenna finds a green stone down by the dragon boat, which she gives to Septimus, who carries it in his pocket as a good luck charm. This stone is actually, as nobody knows, a rare dragon egg. Now six conditions must occur for the dragon to hatch, which are normally carried out by the dragon mother.

  • Initial Great Heat: Septimus puts the stone in his clothes to dry next to the fire
  • permanent warmth: Septimus always carries the stone in his pocket
  • permanent movement: Septimus is young and moves a lot
  • a violent bite in the egg (usually the bite of the mother dragon): carried out in the forest by Wolverines, who attack Septimus and try to eat his backpack and its contents. But the “stone” is too hard even for them.
  • dark magic: comes in during a fight with Simon, who attacks him with a black magic snake.

So Septimus accidentally hatched the dragon. Since a newborn dragon always bites its mother, this time it does so at Septimus. In this way he shapes Septimus and becomes his personal dragon.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Book Description on ( Memento of the original from March 30, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. viewed on in May 2009
  3. viewed in May 2009
  4. viewed in May 2009
  5. viewed in May 2009