First Air Flight 6560

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First Air Flight 6560
FAB B732 C-GNWN at Cambridge Bay Airport.JPG

The crashed Boeing 737-200 of the airline First Air

Accident summary
Accident type CFIT
place Resolute Bay , CanadaCanadaCanada 
date August 20, 2011
Fatalities 12
Survivors 3
Injured 3
Aircraft type Boeing 737-200
operator First Air
Departure airport Yellowknife , CanadaCanadaCanada 
Destination airport Resolute Bay , CanadaCanadaCanada 
Passengers 11
crew 4th
Lists of aviation accidents

The aircraft accident at Resolute Bay was an aircraft accident in which a Boeing 737-200 of the Canadian First Air crashed on August 20, 2011 while approaching the airport Resolute Bay in Canada .

bad luck

The Boeing 737-200 with the registration number C-GNWN collided with a hill just under 2 km east of runway 35T. The weather at the destination airport was foggy with a visibility of about 5 km.

The reasons given in the TSB's final report include:

  • The compasses had not been properly calibrated .
  • The autopilot for the ILS landing had been switched off unnoticed.
  • The master did not pay sufficient attention to the concerns expressed by his copilot about a wrong course, which had been expressed several times.

At the same time, a military exercise took place in the disaster area. Approx. 700 people took part. In the course of the exercise, the procedures in the event of an aircraft accident were to be trained, whereby the exercise participants were ultimately confronted with a real crash. Both flight recorders could be recovered.


There were 15 people on board, including four crew members. Three passengers survived, including a seven-year-old girl.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e First Air Flight 6560, Boeing 737 Accident, August 20, 2011, Resolute Bay (A11H0002) ( Memento of the original from May 18, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on (English). Retrieved January 22, 2014. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b final report of the TSB