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ClickandBuy International Limited

legal form Limited
founding 1999
resolution 2016
Seat London , UKUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom 
management Peter Vesco
Number of employees 80
Branch Payment services

Logo replaced at the beginning of 2010

The ClickandBuy International Limited [klɪkˌəndbaɪ] (Engl. Literally 'click' and purchase '') was an electronic money -Anbieter and a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom . The company ceased operations on April 30, 2016.


Before using it for the first time, internet shoppers registered and deposited their bank details or credit card details with ClickandBuy. Registration took place once and was free of charge. For subsequent online purchases, only the ClickandBuy user name and password were given to transfer e-money credit from the buyer to the seller; the payment method information was stored with ClickandBuy. Payment processing via ClickandBuy was carried out by direct debit , credit card or with “loaded” prepaid credit. Users could set a maximum monthly amount for payments via ClickandBuy via a spending limit. The administration of personal data took place via an online customer account, through which the users could also see their ClickandBuy account balance and the payments made. Opening and maintaining a ClickandBuy account as well as payments were generally free of charge for customers. However, commitment fees were charged to an account with credit if there was no transaction (purchase or deposit) for a year. Charges could apply for topping up credit. Since mid-2012, ClickandBuy users have been able to make online purchases on their smartphones using the ClickandBuy mobile app . The app was available free of charge for iOS and Android devices.


It was founded in Cologne in 1999; the business model was developed by Firstgate Internet AG.

In 2006, the operational business was transferred to a newly founded company in Great Britain (ClickandBuy International Limited) and continued on the basis of a British license to issue and manage e-money. In 2010, ClickandBuy became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom.

On December 3, 2015, the company announced that it would cease operations as of April 30, 2016.

Data security and buyer protection

ClickandBuy was TÜV-certified as a tested payment system and authorized as an e-money institution in accordance with the Electronic Money Regulations 2011. Security gaps had been discovered several times, but they were closed immediately after they became known.

If a shipping item paid for by ClickandBuy did not reach the buyer by post, ClickandBuy mediated between the seller and buyer and, after checking the buyer protection application, reimbursed the purchase price including delivery costs.


In December 2000, journalists Tom Brankamp and Michael Tobias revealed in Handelsblatt that the ClickandBuy payment system had security gaps. The authors proved that they could easily bypass the security systems and could have made purchases through ClickandBuy at the expense of third parties. The ClickandBuy security architecture was improved immediately after the article was published.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b ClickandBuy closes - Telekom payment service is discontinued . In: Handelsblatt . December 3, 2015. Accessed June 30, 2018.
  2. ClickandBuy services will be discontinued. Archived from the original on January 13, 2016 ; accessed on June 30, 2018 (announcement on the service's homepage).
  3. Kristina Beer: Another vulnerability in ClickandBuy. In: heise Security . Retrieved June 30, 2018 .
  4. Handelsblatt No. 234 of December 4, 2000, page N02