Petrotympanic fissure

Fissura petrotympanica (marked with arrows), view from caudal to the base of the skull, In: Gray's Anatomy , 20th edition, 1918
The fissura petrotympanica - after its first description Johann Heinrich Glaser also Glaser cleft - is an opening in the base of the skull through which the chorda tympani (drum string) and the arteria tympanica anterior , a branch of the maxillary artery , pass. The opening lies between the pars petrosa ( petrous bone ) and the pars tympanica (part of the tympanic membrane) of the temporal bone ( os temporale ) and dorsal to the mandibular fossa , the articular surface of the temporomandibular joint .
- ^ Johann Heinrich Glaser: Tractatus de cerebro . Amsterdam 1680.
- O. Eckerdal: The petrotympanic fissure: a link connecting the tympanic cavity and the temporomandibular joint. Cranio. 1991; 9 (1), pp. 15-22. PMID 1843474
- M. Chiarini et al .: Permeability of the petrotympanic fissure . Journal of Oral Rehabilitation . 2002; Volume, Number 9, p. 885