Wing pipefish

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Wing pipefish
Whiskered Pipefish - Halicampus macrorhynchus 2.jpg

Wing pipefish ( Halicampus macrorhynchus )

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Pipefish (Syngnathiformes)
Family : Pipefish (Syngnathidae)
Subfamily : Syngnathinae
Genre : Halicampus
Type : Wing pipefish
Scientific name
Halicampus macrorhynchus
Bamber , 1915

The wing pipefish ( Halicampus macrorhynchus ), even mustache pipefish called, is a Seenadelart that the Red Sea is in tropical western Pacific to the spread. In the western Pacific it inhabits the sandy and scree soils, as well as algae-covered rock reefs from Indonesia to New Guinea to New Britain , on the coast of the Solomon Islands and the Australian state of Queensland to depths of 25 meters.


The fish are at least 18 centimeters long and are very variable in color, depending on the subsoil they live on. Specimens from habitats overgrown with algae or seagrass meadows are more colorful, often reddish, orange or yellowish, those from sandy habitats are more plainly colored. The snout is long and pipette-like . Their slender, elongated body is armored by a skin skeleton made up of 14 to 15 bony torso and 25 tail rings. The dorsal fin is supported by 18 to 19 soft rays. The bone edges of the trunk and tail on the upper side do not merge continuously, but those on the sides of the body do. The lower edge of the bone ends at the anus .

Way of life

Young fish

Young fish up to a length of eight centimeters live pelagically in open water. Numerous wing-like skin flaps help them stay in suspension. After they have ended their pelagic stage, they first colonize regions that are overgrown with round-leaved seagrasses. Until they have reached a length of ten centimeters, the skin flaps are reduced.

Like all pipefish, the winged pipefish is oviparous . After the eggs are laid by the female, they are taken over by the male. She carries this around with her in a wide row on the underside of the tail, which has been changed like a sponge until the young fish hatch.


Web links

Commons : Wing Pipefish ( Halicampus macrorhynchus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files