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Area of ​​Expertise Flight simulation on the PC
language German
publishing company TOX Media s.à.rl
First edition 1999
attitude 2010
Frequency of publication Per month
Editor-in-chief Sergio di Fusco
Web link www.flightxpress.aero (inactive)

The FlightXPress (FXP) was a German-language magazine about flight simulation on the PC. It has been published monthly since January 1999 in Germany , Austria , Switzerland , Benelux , Italy and other European countries. The magazine was discontinued at the end of 2010 and was replaced by Flight! replaced.


The first edition appeared in January 1999. With the rapid growth of the flight simulation market in recent years, the FlightXPress also gained increasing importance in German-speaking countries. FSL Verlagsgesellschaft mbH has been the publisher since it was founded . The editorial office was in Hennersdorf near Vienna . From its inception until mid-2005, the editor-in-chief was Guido Fritdum; then the former deputy Editor-in-chief Gerhard Ringhofer was in charge of the company until September 2007. For a short time there was a similar magazine, “TakeOff”, which, however, was no longer published after two issues. In the meantime, there is another German trade journal in this category, the FS Magazin . In English-speaking countries there are magazines that are comparable to PC Pilot and Computerpilot .


In October 2007 the magazine was taken over by Tox-Media Verlag from Luxembourg. The managing directors were Marc Goergen and Gerhard Ringhofer, who were replaced by Sergio di Fusco as editor-in-chief. Since the takeover, the magazine's appearance had changed radically. Before the magazine appeared in a different color every month, the design and layout have now been adapted to more modern standards. This was important for the magazine to create a distinguishing feature and to gain a larger readership through the visually more appealing front page .


The magazine focused on the Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS), but also other simulators such as X-Plane , and for a short time also the Microsoft Train Simulator (MSTS). The contents include:

  • Announcements
  • Test reports on software ( add-ons ) and hardware for the MSFS and MSTS (reviews)
  • Flights to fly in the simulator (Nachflieger)
  • Technical flight topics (e.g. NATs )
  • Various instructions (e.g. for painting or building aircraft) and
  • Virtual airline reports

From time to time reports from readers' meetings, DVDs and book reviews were also included. From March 2008 to the end of 2008 the magazine also contained a section on Real Aviation , which deals with current topics from real aviation. However, this part was outsourced and the publishing house founded a new magazine (Inside Aviation), which deals with the topics of Real Aviation. A double-sided poster was also included for a long time .


FlightXPress operated a German-language Internet forum in which readers could exchange ideas. Related topics were also dealt with there, such as B. replicating cockpits or creating software and add-ons. As an instrument of reader loyalty, regular meetings were organized for readers, which took place in different places, mostly airports in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In December 2008 the magazine celebrated its 100th issue with a new layout. In 2009 the FlightXPress appeared in the 10th year. On October 13, 2010, bankruptcy had to be filed.

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