Florence Hannah Bacon Marsh

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Florence Hannah Bacon Marsh (* 1881 in Warwickshire ; † 1948 ) was a British botanist .


Before Florence Marsh attended one of the UK's first coeducational schools in Hindhead , she was privately tutored. After finishing school, she took up studies in botany at the University of Nottingham . She was particularly interested in the field of ecology , which she turned to in depth during her studies. Florence Marsh carried out research on pollen as a result . For health reasons, she could not continue her laboratory work and instead turned to field botany . As a research focus she chose the flora of Herefordshire .


Florence Marsh was a speaker for the Wild Flower Society. In recognition of her services she was made a member of the Botanical Society and in 1935 a member of the Linnean Society .


  • Renate Strohmeyer: Lexicon of the natural scientists and women of Europe . Verlag Harri Deutsch, ISBN 3-8171-1567-9 , p. 187.