Florent Lacasse

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Florent Lacasse

Florent Lacasse (born January 21, 1981 in Paris ) is a French athlete and Olympic participant over 800 meters . In 2007 he was suspended for a doping offense.

Lacasse celebrated the greatest success at the Junior World Championships in 2000 when he won silver. In the senior class, Lacasse has so far participated in two international championships. At the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens , the French weren't able to reach the finals. At the European Championships in Gothenburg in 2006 he reached the goal in sixth. In 1: 46.95 minutes he was 39 hundredths of a second behind the winner Bram Som (Netherlands).

In July 2007 the Frenchman tested positive for the doping agent testosterone . In September, the French athletics federation FFA banned him for two years. Lacasse admitted to making a mistake and accepted the ban. He said he was considering continuing his career.

Florent Lacasse is 1.85 m tall and has a competition weight of 65 kg.

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