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Flottweg SE

legal form Corporation
founding 1932
Seat Vilsbiburg , Germany
management Fritz Colesan
Number of employees approx. 1000 worldwide
sales 152 million euros
Branch Separators & decanters
Website Flottweg SE

The Flottweg SE , headquartered in Vilsbiburg , Bavaria is one of the leading manufacturers of decanters, separators and belt presses.

Flottweg SE headquarters in Vilsbiburg, Germany

Company history


  • 1911 Gustav Otto , son of the inventor of Otto engines, Nicolaus August Otto , founds the "Gustav Otto Flugmaschinen-Werke" in Munich. On March 7, 1916, this plant was incorporated into the "Bayerische Flugzeugwerke". This is considered to be the official birth of the later " Bayerische Motorenwerke " ( BMW ).
  • 1918 Otto starts the new Otto-Werke GmbH plant in Munich and develops a bicycle with an auxiliary motor under the name "Flottweg". In the twenties motorcycles were manufactured and also sold under the name "Flottweg".


  • 1932 Georg Bruckmayer acquires the rights to the protected name "Flottweg" and founds the "Flottweg-Motoren-Werke".
  • 1933 The Flottweg-Werke start manufacturing and selling motorcycles and aircraft engine components.


  • 1943 move to Vilsbiburg (60 km north-east of Munich)
  • 1946 Manufacture of special accessories for the printing industry (until 1984)
  • 1956 First sale of a solid bowl screw centrifuge (decanter) Z1 to BASF
  • 1964 Development of the first high-speed decanter
  • 1966 Development and use of the adjustable peeling disk in a decanter (utility model)
  • 1971 First 3-phase decanter test for olive oil in Spain
  • 1972 License for decanter centrifuges to Japan
  • 1976 Production of the newly developed belt press
  • 1978 Licensing for belt presses to Australia
  • 1983 Development of a new generation of belt presses for the fruit juice industry
  • 1984 Takeover of Flottweg by Bird Machine, Inc., USA
  • 1988 Krauss-Maffei, Munich, becomes the main shareholder (90%) of Flottweg
  • 1989 Takeover of the Krauss-Maffei product range "Decanter Centrifuges" by Flottweg (license agreement). Flottweg opens its own sales / service offices in France and Russia.
  • 1990 Flottweg opens its own sales / service offices in the USA, England and the People's Republic of China.
  • 1991 Presentation of the largest, newly developed high-performance decanter Z92-4, mainly for the environmental sector. Opening of a sales and service center in Düsseldorf
  • 1992 Presentation and sale of the first front-end system, an innovative process with a Flottweg Tricanter for the wheat starch industry. (Better product ecology and better economy)
  • 1993 Successful test of the newly developed Sedicanter, a decanter centrifuge for products that are difficult to sediment. Opening of a sales / service center in Leipzig
  • 1994 First ISO 9001 certification by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance
  • 1995 Successful test of the newly developed Sorticanter, a three-phase centrifuge for separating two solids and one liquid, e.g. B. Recycling of plastics (yellow bag)
  • 1997 Largest order to date for DM 17 million to equip the Hamburg sewage treatment plant after a successful test comparison with 5 competitors
  • 1998 Takeover of Veronesi Spa Bologna (manufacture of separators). Development and manufacture of the epicyclic gearbox "Simp-Drive®" for the realization of a variable and energy-saving drive
  • 1999 Founding of a 100% own branch in Shanghai, construction of offices and own workshop
  • 2002 The ownership structure at Flottweg has changed * 60% is held by Flottweg Management and 40% by Invest AG, a subsidiary of the Upper Austrian Raiffeisen-Landesbank.
  • 2004 Flottweg takes over the development and production of separators (disc centrifuges) from Veronesi. Veronesi becomes the sales and service center for Flottweg in Italy
  • 2005 Flottweg continues to expand the production facilities. The first section of the expansion of the assembly hall will be completed in December.
  • 2006 The Flottweg management now holds all shares in Flottweg GmbH & Co.KGaA. Flottweg builds a new office building for reception and sales.
  • 2007 The 2nd section of the expansion of the assembly hall is completed. Flottweg is now an unlisted stock corporation and operates from now on under the name "Flottweg AG".
  • 2008 On January 1, 2008, Flottweg Separation Technology Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Flottweg SE Vilsbiburg, Germany, starts operations in Kentucky. The official opening ceremony took place on January 18, together with representatives of the local authorities as well as the supervisory board and the company's employees. Flottweg Separation Technology Inc. was founded in 2007, the offices and workshop were completed at the end of 2007. The new company is responsible for sales and service for Flottweg products in North America.
  • 2009 With around 500 employees and an annual turnover of over 116 million euros, 85% of which was generated abroad, Flottweg develops and produces its high-performance centrifuges exclusively in Germany.
  • 2012 The company now operates under the name "Flottweg SE", thereby emphasizing its international orientation. With the entry in the commercial register in March 2012, the conversion of the business form is finally complete.
  • 2014 The owners of Flottweg SE transfer their company shares to three foundations. This step serves to protect the company against takeover. This makes partial sales of company shares impossible. The Flottweg Foundations were officially established on May 17, 2014. These are the non-profit Bruckmayer Foundation, the PIA Foundation and the Flottweg Foundation. This step is intended to ensure the continued existence of the company and the preservation of jobs at the Vilsbiburg location across generations. A fragmentation of Flottweg through takeover or partial sales is no longer possible. The immediate day-to-day business of Flottweg SE will not be affected by the transfer of the company shares.



Flottweg Decanters are used for the continuous separation of solids from liquids, clarification of liquids, classification of fine pigments, etc.

Typical areas of application:

  • Dewatering and thickening of sludge from municipal and industrial wastewater
  • Plastic production, suspension polymers such as PVC, HDPE etc.
  • Extraction and processing of animal and vegetable raw materials (edible oils / fats, starch, proteins)
  • Drinks (wine, beer, fruit or vegetable juices)
  • Dewatering of sludge from mining and processing industries
  • Renewable energies such as biodiesel and bioethanol


Sedicanters are preferred when the solids are too fine-grained for processing with decanters, the sediment is difficult to remove from decanters due to its soft consistency or the clarifying effect of decanters is insufficient.

Typical areas of application:

  • Separation of biomass (yeast cells, bacteria etc.) from fermentation broths
  • Extraction and processing of vegetable proteins, e.g. B. from soy
  • Beer recovery from excess yeast


A continuous three-phase separation is possible with a tricanter, i.e. the simultaneous separation of two liquids that are not soluble in one another and a solid phase. The prerequisite is that the liquids have different densities and the solids are present as the specific heaviest phase. The structure and functionality is similar to that of a decanter. The decisive difference lies in the derivation of the two separate liquid phases.

Typical areas of application:

  • Processing of oily sludge from refineries, oil ponds, etc.
  • Production of animal / vegetable fats and oils
  • Starch production for the separation of wheat starch and gluten


The Sorticanter is a special centrifuge for the continuous separation of solids with different densities from a liquid. The one solid phase must have a higher and the other solid phase a lower density than the liquid phase.

Typical areas of application:

  • Recycling of plastics
  • Separation of mixtures with a floating and a sedimenting solid phase from a liquid whose density lies between the densities of the two solid phases.


Separators with a self-cleaning drum are used to separate suspended solids from liquids and to separate two liquids that are not soluble in one another with simultaneous separation of solids.

Typical areas of application:

  • Beverage industry
  • food
  • Chemistry, pharmacy
  • Animal / vegetable fats and oils
  • Mineral oil and mineral oil products etc.

Belt presses

Belt presses are used for the continuous separation of liquid from different solid-liquid mixtures.

Typical areas of application:

  • Extraction of fruit and vegetable juices
  • Brewer's grain drainage
  • Algae and herbal extract
  • Coffee ground
  • Industrial sludge
  • Biological sludge

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Florian Langenscheidt , Bernd Venohr (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German world market leaders. The premier class of German companies in words and pictures. German Standards Editions, Cologne 2010, ISBN 978-3-86936-221-2 .
  2. Georg Soller: Flottweg with an unusual step: family foundation as takeover protection. Flottweg owners transfer their shares to three foundations. In: idowa. Newspaper group Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshuter Zeitung , May 23, 2014, archived from the original on September 24, 2015 ; accessed on May 27, 2014 .