Airplane weighing

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One of Aircraft is an aviation executed technical operation (LTB) and for the determination of mass and center of gravity of an aircraft as part of the pattern and type approval - Weight and Balance . Most of the time, the weighing for approval takes place in the empty state. Depending on the design of the landing gear , the aircraft is placed on special scales with a certain incline . Then a reference plane , for example the firewall, is established and the distance to the scales is determined from it.

The sum of the weights / masses measured on the scales gives the weight of the empty aircraft. The sum of the torques resulting from the lever arms from the reference plane to the scales and the weights read on them, divided by the total aircraft weight, gives the lever arm of the aircraft's center of gravity. Also, the lever arm of the aircraft, the center of mass ( english center of gravity, CG ) runs out, is again based on the reference plane. The data that the LTB has collected is entered in the log book of the measured aircraft with a stamp, date and signature; it is an official document.

The aircraft center of gravity and aircraft curb weight data resulting from the aircraft weighing are relevant for later use as basic values ​​within the scope of the so-called weight and balance calculation with the current additional weights such as fuel , passengers , crew, Freight , mail, etc. In the case of bombers , the center of gravity of the aircraft is also calculated after the bomb is dropped.