Herzog Foundation

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Entrance to the photography laboratory operated by the Herzog Foundation from 2002 to 2011

Founded in 2002, the Herzog Foundation is a Basel foundation for the history and development of photography and the history of industrial society in photographic documents . Until 2011 she ran a museum exhibition and research room in the photography laboratory on Basel's Dreispitz area . Since 2015 it has been located at Leimenstrasse 20, 4051 Basel Grossbasel .

The main holdings of the Fondation, the collection of around 300,000 photographs by Ruth and Peter Herzog, was transferred to the “Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron Cabinet” by the architects Herzog & de Meuron in 2015 (minus 3,000 works that were held by the Fondation Herzog remain) and archived again in the Dreispitz area (Jacques Herzog is Peter Herzog's brother).

The collection of works from the pioneering days, professional and artistic photography and amateur recordings presents all the analog techniques used since the medium was invented and covers the period from 1839 to around 1970.

See also

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