Forlidas Ridge

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Forlidas Ridge
location Queen Elizabeth Land , West Antarctica
part of Dufek Massif in the Pensacola Mountains
Forlidas Ridge (Antarctica)
Forlidas Ridge
Coordinates 82 ° 29 ′  S , 51 ° 16 ′  W Coordinates: 82 ° 29 ′  S , 51 ° 16 ′  W

Forlidas Ridge is a mountain ridge in Queen Elizabeth Land, West Antarctica . In the Dufek massif of the Pensacola Mountains, it rises on the west side of the Davis Valley .

The United States Geological Survey mapped it based on its own measurements and aerial photographs of the United States Navy from 1956 to 1966. The Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names named it in 1968 after Charles W. Forlidas (1935-1958), radio operator at Ellsworth Station in the Antarctic winter of 1957.

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