Research Council for Refrigeration Technology

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The Research Council for Refrigeration Technology is a registered association that promotes research in the field of technology for refrigeration and its application in the scientific and technical field. It was founded in Karlsruhe in 1957 . Its current seat is Frankfurt am Main .


The Research Council promotes studies on the generation and use of cold in the commercial, household and transport sectors, on air conditioning in buildings, on the technology of heat pumps and on low-temperature technology. Research on these topics is organized as joint industrial research. The research is funded or self-financed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology through the working group of industrial research associations "Otto von Guericke" . He publishes the results as research reports in a separate series.


The association consists of full and extraordinary members. Ordinary members are companies mainly in German-speaking and European countries that are active in the fields of refrigeration technology . Extraordinary members are predominantly research institutes. A list of ordinary and associate members of the association is kept on the website of the Research Council for Refrigeration Technology . In contrast to the earlier statutes, however, the extraordinary members are no longer entitled to vote in the general assembly, but only act in an advisory capacity in order to strengthen application-oriented research for industry.


  1. Foundation of Research Kältechnik on
  2. Portrait of the Refrigeration Technology Research Council on
  3. a b Historical development of the refrigeration technology research council (PDF; 41 kB) published by the VHKK ( Historische Kälte- und Klimatechnik e.V. )

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