Forester's house Buschmeierei

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Forester's house Buschmeierei
Municipality Gross Koris
Coordinates: 52 ° 7 ′ 52 ″  N , 13 ° 40 ′ 24 ″  E
Postal code : 15746
Area code : 033766
Former bush factory
Former bush factory

Forest house Buschmeierei is a residential area of the community Groß Köris in the district of Dahme-Spreewald in Brandenburg .


The living space is south of the community center in the Löpten district . There, the street Zum Finkenherd , coming from the north, leads south through the village. From here, the street Zur Buschmeierei branches off in a westerly direction and opens up the residential area.


The establishment first appeared in 1743 as the Busch Meyerey and was sometimes referred to as Heidemeierei . At that time it consisted of a single Vorwerk and was owned by the Prussian Kingdom. 1801 there was a dairy farm with four Einliegern and three fireplaces (= households) with 13 residents. In 1858 the number of residents had grown to 54 people. In 1860 the Vorwerk consisted of three residential and three farm buildings, which were supplemented by a forester's house in 1894. In 1925 the population had decreased to 10 people. The forester's house Buschmeierei has belonged to the municipality of Löpten since 1928 and has been used as a living space since 1950. The place never had its own church, but was churched after Teupitz at all times .


  • Lieselott Enders : Historical local lexicon for Brandenburg: Teltow (= Historical local lexicon for Brandenburg . Volume 4). Verlag Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 1976.

Web links

Commons : Forsthaus Buschmeierei  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Groß Köris , service portal of the State of Brandenburg, accessed on April 24, 2020.